BBQ Chronicles

  • Travailler le charbon facilement

    Working with coal easily

    Often, people think that lighting charcoal takes a long time and that's what stops them from leaving with a charcoal BBQ. Well, that may have been true a couple of...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Un saumon fumé à froid d’exception

    An exceptional cold smoked salmon

    Every year, Max and JP cold smoke salmon. Their recipes are always a great success, both in their families and at events, and they are very proud of them. For...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Des sels aromatisés pour rehausser vos cuissons

    Flavored salts to enhance your cooking

    One of the basic seasonings present in any kitchen is salt. There are a lot of different types: table salt, sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, fleur de sel… all of...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Combinaisons gagnantes bois/protéines

    Winning wood/protein combinations

    Just like wine, wood also pairs better with certain types of proteins. And when we talk about wood in the context of BBQ, we are of course talking about charcoal,...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Bien cuire son steak selon son épaisseur

    Cook your steak well according to its thickness

    From time to time, the size of the steaks you put on your grill will differ. Sometimes they will be thinner, and other times they will be MEGA big (for...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Le secret pour obtenir un repas gratiné IN-CROYA-BLE

    The secret to getting an IN-CREDIBLE gratin meal

    Mmmm , cheese gratin. 🤤 No matter what it's on, pizza, nachos, lasagna, potatoes... it's always good. You, like us, know that gratin cheese is life. 👌 That's why when...

    BBQ Québec |

  • 10 super cadeaux pour la fête des Pères

    10 Great Gifts for Father's Day

    The smile of a father cooking on the BBQ is incomparable. We see him, the "king of the grill", straight in front of his appliance placing his steaks in the...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Les 10 secrets des steaks parfaits

    The 10 Secrets of Perfect Steaks

    Steaks are life. I love it so much, that it's often the only thing I eat! Yes, yes, I can't get enough of it; it's the best thing in the...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Un module de cuisine extérieure EXCLUSIF à BBQ Québec

    An EXCLUSIVE outdoor kitchen module at BBQ Québec

    Text by: Sébastien Lacroix and Olivier Soucy Are you looking to add an outdoor kitchen to your backyard? We understand. BBQ days and evenings always seem more enjoyable when you...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Les BBQs aux granules : Camp Chef versus Yoder Smokers

    Pellet BBQs: Camp Chef vs. Yoder Smokers

    A pellet barbecue is the big trend of recent years. Why are some people crazy about it? Because it's efficient and reliable, and it allows people to slow cook and...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • D’excellents BBQs portatifs

    Great Portable BBQs

    To BBQ anywhere, portable barbecues are really great machines. What is also practical about portable BBQs is that they are grills that do not take up much space, so they...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Petit ensemble, gros potentiel

    Small set, big potential

    When cooking, sometimes you don't know which container to use. They are either too big, too small, too fragile or too heavy... Finding one that is just perfect is almost...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Pourquoi choisir un BBQ Yoder Smokers

    Why choose a Yoder Smokers BBQ

    Yoder Smokers BBQs and Smokers are incredible machines. They are large, made “though”, reliable, and designed to last for years. For all these reasons (and more), these devices are quite...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Les accessoires essentiels des BBQs au gaz

    Essential accessories for gas BBQs

    To maximize the use of your gas BBQ, there are plenty of accessories available. By the way, what is interesting is that most accessories for gas barbecues (propane or natural...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Deux techniques pour cuire le saumon

    Two techniques for cooking salmon

    There are several ways to cook and eat salmon. Indeed, there are people who prefer their salmon raw, like in sushi, others who like it better "well done", and others...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Les bases de la cuisson — Le steak

    Cooking Basics — Steak

    Cooking steaks is super simple, but you have to do it the right way. There are some cuts, for example, that deserve a little more love than others, others that...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Les avantages d’une cuisine extérieure

    The benefits of an outdoor kitchen

    Text by: Sébastien Lacroix and Olivier Soucy You've been thinking about it for a while, but you're not yet sure if you're ready to take the leap...invest in an outdoor...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Comment choisir un injecteur

    How to choose an injector

    When it comes time to buy an injector, we often take one without asking too many questions because we tell ourselves that they are all the same, but… that is...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Recevoir au BBQ

    Entertaining at the BBQ

    Hosting at the BBQ is an art. It's something that can take some time to master, but what's for sure is that everyone always has fun, every time. And by...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Comment réussir vos cuissons avec un BBQ aux granules

    How to successfully cook with a pellet BBQ

    A pellet BBQ is more than a smoker. Yes, you can cook and smoke food with it, but in most cases (at least, in the pellet BBQs sold at BBQ...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Cuire en papillote, c’est fini!

    Cook in foil, it's done!

    Who dreams of having soft vegetables that taste the same? Nobody. And yet… there are still many people who cook their food on the BBQ in a papillote. Tut, tut,...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Les injections de A à Z (ou Pourquoi et comment injecter)

    Injections from A to Z (or Why and how to inject)

    Injecting is really solid. Whether you've injected food before or not, it's never too late to start. It can be intimidating for a beginner, but trust me, there's no going...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Les combinaisons gagnantes à faire avec les viandes de chasse

    Winning combinations to make with game meats

    Last year, I went hunting for the first time. It was seriously a wonderful experience (I tell you about itin detail here ). I hunted bear and I got the...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Pourquoi je ne marine jamais mes viandes et poissons

    Why I never marinate my meat and fish

    “The sauce goes at the end!” Those who have taken BBQ 101 know how much I repeat this phrase. It's not for nothing; it's surely one of the things that...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Mes trucs pour cuire des poissons entiers

    My tips for cooking whole fish

    Every now and then, having a good fish grilled on the BBQ feels good. Often, when we think of "fish", we think of preparing a salmon steak. But today, I...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Une nouvelle sauce sucrée BBQ Québec

    A new sweet BBQ sauce from Quebec

    Warning, warning. If you like apples, you may very well freak out over what I'm about to tell you. 👀 Always looking for new flavor combinations, my brain is constantly...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Les joies du BBQ en camping

    The joys of camping BBQ

    Summer is the big season for camping. And… camping necessarily means BBQ. 😜 Whether you're used to doing it while camping or not, it's definitely a good idea. To prove...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Comment réussir sa « brisket »

    How to succeed with your “brisket”

    A brisket is a big, fat piece of meat. It's also one of the toughest cuts of meat in history. It's... extremely "not tender," for lack of a better way...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Ce qu’il vous faut pour un « steak party »

    What you need for a steak party

    When we want to celebrate something, we agree that, generally, it's not with chicken that we're going to celebrate. We're going to go with a nice piece of beef; a...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • La façon de réussir vos pizzas sur n’importe quel BBQ

    How to Make Pizza on Any BBQ

    Pizza. Mmmm! Just that word, it probably already excites you. 😍 And if I add "BBQ"; I'm pretty sure your taste buds will tingle even more. 🤤 Pizza, let's face...

    Maxime Lavoie |