BBQ Chronicles

  • Collaboration avec la ferme Monette

    Collaboration with the Monette farm

    We are very proud to announce our collaboration with the hunting and fishing experts at Ferme Monette! For the occasion, we present to you an interview with Ariane, General Manager...

    Ariane |

  • Journée internationale de la Femme

    International Women's Day

    For Women's Day I was asked to write a word as co-president of a company progressing within a predominantly male universe. I always find it a little weird to speak...

    Ariane |

  • Faire comme papa

    Do like dad

    As parents, we are concerned about our children's choices but sometimes we are powerless. Between suggesting and forcing, we sometimes would like to have a bigger impact on their food...

    Max Lavoie |

  • Le BBQ en famille, ou comment transmettre sa passion!

    Family BBQ, or how to pass on your passion!

    At just 2 years old, I was already helping my mother in the kitchen by stirring her famous green ketchup. Around 7 years old, what pride I felt in preparing...

    JP |