BBQ Chronicles

  • BBQ Québec en Colombie

    BBQ Quebec in Colombia

    In January 2023, Max and I went to Colombia. It was truly an incredible experience that is worth telling, so I'm taking the opportunity to tell you more about it...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Pourquoi choisir un BBQ Napoléon Freestyle

    Why choose a Napoleon Freestyle BBQ?

    Napoleon Freestyle BBQs are out! These are beautiful machines! In fact, there are 2 models that exist: the Freestyle 365 , which has 3 burners, and the Freestyle 425 ,...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Les raisons pour lesquelles les Phantom sont les BBQs de mes rêves

    Why Phantoms Are My Dream BBQs

    I love Napoleon Phantom BBQs. Seriously, these BBQs are truly exceptional! And I'm not exaggerating. They look great, they're hot and they're real beautiful machines. So you can understand why...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Guide d’achat BBQ de mai 2022

    BBQ Buying Guide May 2022

    This summer, it's not just your body that should be getting grilled! At BBQ Québec, we have an excellent selection of BBQs in stock that are just waiting to sear...

    Maxime Lavoie |