10 Great Gifts for Father's Day

10 super cadeaux pour la fête des Pères - BBQ Québec

The smile of a father cooking on the BBQ is incomparable. We see him, the "king of the grill", straight in front of his appliance placing his steaks in the direct cooking zone, really happy to "play with fire" and we say to ourselves that there is nothing more beautiful that exists. (It must be said that the smell of cooking and the dance of the flames around the piece of meat also contribute to the beauty of this vision. 😜)

Whether our father is a real BBQ fanatic and does it 365 days a year, or whether he is more of a fan who reserves his meals on the grill for special occasions, it always gives him pleasure to use his appliance, and, even more, to eat barbecue. 😋

A dad and a BBQ are like… an inseparable combination. They will always go together, no matter the dad’s culinary skills, his age or his background.

And, because we know that just the mention of the word "barbecue" is enough to make his eyes light up, we thought that giving him a little something related to this cooking method for Father's Day would make him very happy. 🥰

So here is our list of perfect BBQ gifts (in no particular order) for all dads:

The BBQ plancha BBQ Quebec accessory


To maximize the use of a BBQ, a plancha is ideal. With it, even more foods can be cooked on the grill without the risk of them falling between the grates: eggs, pancakes, bacon slices, smash burger balls, scallops… a “must” for making the best breakfasts in town!

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The Multimax BBQ Quebec support


With room for two beer can chickens and twelve chicken drumsticks at once, or six spare ribs or pork roasts, the Multimax is very spacious. When you like to entertain (or stock up!) this accessory is just what you need.

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The Art of BBQ Book


This third book from Max and JP Lavoie contains not only recipes, but also techniques and pro tips. With content on tomahawks, briskets, ribs, pizzas, smoked fish, waffles and more, there will be a wide variety of meals on the table for days to come!

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The Quebec BBQ apron


Cooking without getting dirty is important. So is staying hydrated while cooking, which is why we added a bottle opener and a cooler pocket to this apron. Using your grill, dressed in style, with a "p'tite frette" in hand, is the best.

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The BBQ Quebec insulated bottle


Whether you prefer to drink a good coffee or cold water while cooking, you can do both with this bottle. It keeps hot liquids hot for 18 hours, and cold liquids cold for 24 hours. Long BBQ cooking sessions have never been so enjoyable!

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The BBQ stuffer Quebec


To make original and completely wacky burgers, this accessory is essential. Whether you want to stuff your meatballs with cheese curds, caramelized onions, mushrooms, macaroni and cheese or something else, nothing is stopping you! (Burgers are also very fun to make with the little ones. 😉)

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Protect-O-Max BBQ Quebec Insulated BBQ Gloves


Handling and holding hot objects in our hands is very easy with this pair of gloves. Able to withstand temperatures up to 450 °F, these aramid fiber (kevlar) gloves are ideal for cooking on the BBQ.

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L'Allumax BBQ Quebec


Lighting charcoal becomes child's play with the Allumax! Simply place it near the fuel, then slowly move it away from it, always pressing the button on the accessory. In a few seconds, the first flames appear and the charcoal glows.

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OvenPlus' Capt'n Cook


A two-tier portable BBQ that does it all. Isn't that wonderful?

For phenomenal pizzas and steakhouse-worthy steaks, this is THE grill to use. Camping, to the cottage… anywhere is a good place to take it!

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The All-in-1


To get the most out of a kettle, the All-in-1 is what you need. This accessory literally transforms your BBQ into a smoker, pizza oven, rotisserie and more. It's not for nothing that it won the award for best BBQ accessory in 2019!

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Happy BBQ to all! 🔥

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