My Favorite Technique for Cooking Corn on the BBQ

Ma technique préférée pour cuire du maïs au BBQ - BBQ Québec

Any way is good to eat corn.

On the other hand, if you ask me what MY favorite method is, it's this one:

  1. You preheat your BBQ to medium heat, around 400°F, and, without doing anything with it beforehand (i.e. you leave it as is, with its leaves), you place your corn on the cob in the direct cooking zone.
  2. You grill your corn for 3-5 minutes, then when the husks start to brown a little from the heat of the grills, you turn it. You then repeat the process until it looks even.
  3. Once that's done, you cut the 2 ends of the corn and remove its leaves and small hairs (be careful, the cob may be hot, but you'll see, it'll be done super easily!).
  4. Using a basting brush, you then spread your favorite barbecue sauce or butter on all sides of the cob (if you used butter, add your favorite dry rub to all sides of the corn as well) and return it to the direct cooking zone for a short time (about 30 seconds) so that the sauce or butter caramelizes on the cob. (This is really where all the magic happens!)
  5. You enjoy every bite of your delicious corn!

Corn is still really good. So even if you boil yours, add some BBQ sauce or butter after and grill it, you'll still get a good result (it'll be a lot better than if you just boiled it, I guarantee it! 😜).

And, it's all a matter of preference too. You can cook your corn by removing its leaves before if you wish. Just know that the advantage of the leaves is that they "steam" the ear and allow it to remain very juicy whereas if it grills without them, the ear grills and caramelizes more. Go according to what you like best.

Happy corn roast and happy BBQ to all! 🌽

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