BBQ Chronicles

  • Cuire en papillote, c’est fini!

    Cook in foil, it's done!

    Who dreams of having soft vegetables that taste the same? Nobody. And yet… there are still many people who cook their food on the BBQ in a papillote. Tut, tut,...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Les injections de A à Z (ou Pourquoi et comment injecter)

    Injections from A to Z (or Why and how to inject)

    Injecting is really solid. Whether you've injected food before or not, it's never too late to start. It can be intimidating for a beginner, but trust me, there's no going...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Mes trucs pour cuire des poissons entiers

    My tips for cooking whole fish

    Every now and then, having a good fish grilled on the BBQ feels good. Often, when we think of "fish", we think of preparing a salmon steak. But today, I...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Comment réussir sa « brisket »

    How to succeed with your “brisket”

    A brisket is a big, fat piece of meat. It's also one of the toughest cuts of meat in history. It's... extremely "not tender," for lack of a better way...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Mes trucs pour créer le meilleur burger

    My tips for creating the best burger

    Those who know me know that burgers are my favorite meal. So if you ask me what, for me, is the best burger, I simply answer that all burgers are...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • L’art du BBQ : une œuvre absolument exquise

    The Art of BBQ: An Absolutely Exquisite Work

    JP and I have some great news to announce to you. If you listen to Monday BBQ and JP Hour, you've probably heard us talk about a project we've been...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Comment emballer une « brisket » ou une autre pièce de viande

    How to Wrap a Brisket or Other Cut of Meat

    To make a mean beef brisket, there are a few little things to know. And… you know, you can always count on me to reveal all my secrets and techniques....

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Pourquoi et comment assaisonner votre BBQ

    Why and how to season your BBQ

    Have you just bought a new BBQ? “Yes, sir!” Congratulations! 😎 Before you use your beautiful machine, it is important that you season it. Seriously, it is worth taking the...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • 3 façons infaillibles d’allumer votre charbon de bois

    3 Foolproof Ways to Light Your Charcoal

    Lighting your charcoal shouldn't be difficult. If you find it to be a lengthy process, it's probably because you're not doing it the right way or don't have the right...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Quoi cuisiner sur un Phantom

    What to cook on a Phantom

    I love Napoleon's Phantom BBQs. I think they're really beautiful (you know, I love anything "black on black" 😉) and I'm crazy about their grills. So I thought it wouldn't...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • 8 aliments à fumer à chaud

    8 Foods to Hot Smoke

    When spring and summer start to make themselves felt, it seems like we always want to spend more time with our BBQ. It's like the perfect time to hot smoke...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Comment cuire un steak sur chaque type de BBQ

    How to Cook a Steak on Each Type of BBQ

    Steak is always good. And, because I want you to always be able to enjoy a delicious steak, I thought I would tell you how to prepare one on all...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Les 10 commandements des côtes levées

    The 10 Commandments of Ribs

    Today, I'm revealing my secrets, my foolproof tips, so that you can make the best ribs in the world. Choosing your smokehouse Let's start strong with the basics: which smoker...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |