BBQ Chronicles

  • Travailler le charbon facilement

    Working with coal easily

    Often, people think that lighting charcoal takes a long time and that's what stops them from leaving with a charcoal BBQ. Well, that may have been true a couple of...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Le secret pour obtenir un repas gratiné IN-CROYA-BLE

    The secret to getting an IN-CREDIBLE gratin meal

    Mmmm , cheese gratin. 🤤 No matter what it's on, pizza, nachos, lasagna, potatoes... it's always good. You, like us, know that gratin cheese is life. 👌 That's why when...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Des allume-feux extrêmement fiables

    Extremely reliable fire starters

    To barbecue, you need a flame. With a gas or pellet grill, this is fairly easy to achieve, but it can be a bit trickier with a charcoal grill or...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Des gants surprenants

    Surprising gloves

    When you cook on the BBQ, you have a lot of hot things to handle. It is important to equip yourself to be able to handle, for example, a hot...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Une bouteille tout usage pour toutes les occasions

    An all-purpose bottle for all occasions

    We always say it, it's important to stay hydrated when cooking on the BBQ. And... to help you achieve this, we've created the perfect accessory for that: the BBQ Québec...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Une spatule, faite exprès pour enfourner

    A spatula, made especially for baking

    If pizza is life for you too, you've come to the right place. 😎 As pizza and BBQ fans, Max and JP have created a new tool to complete the...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Petit ensemble, gros potentiel

    Small set, big potential

    When cooking, sometimes you don't know which container to use. They are either too big, too small, too fragile or too heavy... Finding one that is just perfect is almost...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Les accessoires essentiels des BBQs au gaz

    Essential accessories for gas BBQs

    To maximize the use of your gas BBQ, there are plenty of accessories available. By the way, what is interesting is that most accessories for gas barbecues (propane or natural...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Comment choisir un injecteur

    How to choose an injector

    When it comes time to buy an injector, we often take one without asking too many questions because we tell ourselves that they are all the same, but… that is...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • La version 2.0 des accessoires BBQ Québec

    Version 2.0 of BBQ Québec accessories

    BBQ Quebec accessories are back! Oh yeaaaah! 😎 If you're an old hand, as they say, you've seen our black stainless BBQ Québec accessories. We had a pair of tongs,...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Les joies du BBQ en camping

    The joys of camping BBQ

    Summer is the big season for camping. And… camping necessarily means BBQ. 😜 Whether you're used to doing it while camping or not, it's definitely a good idea. To prove...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • La façon de réussir vos pizzas sur n’importe quel BBQ

    How to Make Pizza on Any BBQ

    Pizza. Mmmm! Just that word, it probably already excites you. 😍 And if I add "BBQ"; I'm pretty sure your taste buds will tingle even more. 🤤 Pizza, let's face...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Le seau à cendres, plus qu’un contenant

    The ash bucket, more than a container

    BBQ Québec, as you know, is a pioneering company in the BBQ field. If you have been a customer of ours for a long time, you may have already seen...

    Maxime Lavoie |