A comparison between the Summit Kamado and the Kamado Joe

Une comparaison entre le Summit Kamado et le Kamado Joe - BBQ Québec

Those who want a Kamado BBQ may be hesitating between several models and brands of grills. If this is your case, you are in the right place, because I will present the differences between two of the models we have so that you can make an informed choice.

Although many companies make Kamado BBQs (I'm thinking, among others, of Primo, Bigg Green Egg, Char-Griller, and other companies), at BBQ Québec, you'll find those from Weber and Kamado Joe. Summit Kamado BBQs and Kamado Joes , more precisely.

What is a Kamado?

A Kamado grill is actually, typically, a BBQ designed in the shape of an egg. It is a device that is known for its versatility, ease of use and its ability to cook, smoke and grill food. Often, it is made of ceramic. Quickly, we can then describe it, simply, as being the equivalent of a ceramic oven.

The differences

  • The matter

One of the most obvious differences between a Summit Kamado and a Kamado Joe is the material these BBQs are made of. The former is made of stainless steel while the latter is made of ceramic.

Concretely, what does this change? It means that while the Summit Kamado retains heat, the Kamado Joe accumulates it . The Summit Kamado thermometer is then more "reliable", in the sense that it directly indicates the temperature inside the device, while that of the Kamado Joe requires an adaptation time. Indeed, since the ceramic must heat up, it is then preferable to wait until the indicated temperature has been stable for 15 minutes before placing food on the grills.

On this, while the ceramic of the Kamado Joe must heat up, the Summit Kamado heats up thanks to its double wall and its air chamber with about 1 inch between each of them.

  • The color

While the color doesn't take away from the merits of these BBQs, it can make a difference if you have a penchant for one color over another. Summit Kamados are black, while Kamado Joes are red.

  • The cooking surface

The Summit Kamado only comes in one size, with a 24-inch grill (yes, whether you're talking about the model with or without a table , the cooking surface is the same). The Kamado Joe, on the other hand, comes in several sizes; those with an 18-inch or 24-inch cooking grill being the most popular.

Cost-wise, however, the Summit Kamado offers more cooking surface area for a lower price.

  • The grids

In the case of these 2 BBQs, the grills are made of 304 stainless steel. The difference is rather in their divisions.

Indeed, the Summit Kamado grill is compatible with Weber's Gourmet BBQ System, which is why it has a removable center. You can then place a wok, a large pot or another accessory on it to carry out all kinds of cooking.

The Kamado Joe's grill, on the other hand, is divided vertically in the center. You then place 2 half-moon grills on it to form a full surface. That said, the Kamado Joe comes with the Divide and Conquer cooking system, which allows the user to position their grills on 2 levels (or even 3, in some models) and cook their food at different temperatures. You can then put "1/2 grill" on each of the levels or a "full grill".

Otherwise, if we also include the charcoal grills in this category, the one in the Summit Kamado is adjustable. In fact, there are 2 positions where you can place it: at the highest, to grill something, or at the lowest to smoke food. For weekday cooking, for example, it can be very practical to put it at the top to have a quick meal, without using a lot of charcoal.

  • The heat diffuser

The Summit Kamado comes with a stainless steel smoking plate that helps maintain low temperatures when smoking. Thanks to its small notch, you can, if you wish, add a little liquid of any kind on the plate in order to give an additional taste to the food while cooking. Otherwise, it is a part that is also very practical because it allows you to collect the cooking juices and prevent them from coming into contact with the fuel.

In the case of the Kamado Joe, it is not a grill, but a terracotta plate that is placed above the coals. Its particularity is that it is also half-moon shaped, so you can put only one "half-grill" and make sure that the food above it cooks in the indirect cooking zone. Be careful, all Kamado Joe barbecues come with this except the Kamado Joe Junior.

  • The air inlet

The principle of the air intake is quite similar for these 2 BBQs; the difference is rather a question of habit. The air intake system at the bottom of the Summit Kamado is the same as for all Weber grills, while that of the Kamado Joe is unique: the air passes through the slots where the ash container and the chimney are located.

  • The chimney

As with the air intake, the Summit Kamado's chimney is the same as those found on other models of the brand. The only problem I have with it is that if you put the air key vertically (if you "open" it), then open and close the lid of your BBQ, it will not stay in place; it will fall back to its initial position. It's not too bad, but can be tiring in the long run. Otherwise, it's a chimney that does a very good job.

Kamado Joe, on the other hand, are more innovative. They made a cast aluminum chimney with a double mechanism. The precision is really there; you can let out just a thin line of air from the BBQ if you want and have excellent control over the temperature. The chimney "cap" is also designed so that no water gets into your barbecue if it rains, which is also interesting.

  • The cart

Both Summit Kamado models (the one with and without a table) come with a high-quality aluminum cart and are very rigid. The Kamado Joe cart, however, can be made of cast iron or heavy-duty galvanized steel, depending on the model.

  • The tablets

While the Summit Kamado doesn't have a shelf (if we're just talking about the "standard" model), most Kamado Joe grills come with an aluminum shelf on each side of the lid. The shelves stay looking good for a long time (since they don't rust) and even have hooks so you can hang your accessories and utensils.

The Summit Kamado model with a table, on the other hand, has a built-in gas igniter, a space to put the cylinder, and 3 hooks so you can hang things on it.

  • The guarantee

As for the warranty, the Summit Kamado is guaranteed from start to finish for 10 years by Weber, while the Kamado Joe's exterior ceramic and firebox are guaranteed for life (25 years), the baffles for 3 years, and the gasket for 1 year by Kamado Joe.



This accessory comes with the Kamado Joe Classic III, but can also be purchased separately. What is it for? To transform your barbecue into a smoker. Thanks to its shape (which could be compared to that of a beautiful woman 😉), the smoke in the BBQ makes a wave, which slows it down a little, makes it surround the food and evens out the heat. The flavor of the food is then amplified and the number of "hot spots" in the grill is reduced.

  • The cover

Although optional, if there is 1 of the 2 BBQs for which I recommend you to take an additional cover, it is the Kamado Joe because of its porous ceramic surface. Obviously, you can put one on your Summit Kamado too if you wish.

  • The tools

The Summit Kamado comes with charcoal baskets to help you easily place and divide your fuel and control the fire. The Kamado Joe, on the other hand, comes with a poker and a grill lifter.

The final word

As you can see, these 2 Kamado are quite different. However, they are still, in my opinion, the equivalent of the Ferrari and Lamborghini of BBQ. In the end, it is really a question of preferences and what you are looking for, because these are really 2 "top of the line" machines that will make you trip.

Hoping to have helped you make your choice! (If you are still not sure, do not hesitate to ask all your questions to our advisors in stores or online. 😉)

Happy BBQ!

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