BBQ Chronicles

  • Le Black Friday façon BBQ Québec.

    Black Friday, BBQ Quebec style.

    Black Friday is launched earlier this year at BBQ Québec! Hello dear BBQers, Every year, Black Friday marks a unique moment for our team at BBQ Québec. It's the beginning...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Le Charbon, le meilleur des combustibles l'hiver

    Coal, the best fuel in winter

    Winter is here, temperatures are dropping, but that doesn’t mean you have to put your BBQ away! On the contrary, it’s the perfect time to relight the embers and enjoy...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Le Fire Club par BBQ Quebec

    The Fire Club by BBQ Quebec

    BBQ friends, grilling enthusiasts and taste adventurers, it’s time to share some exciting news! My brother Max and I, JP, have come an incredible way in recent years, transforming our...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Travailler le charbon facilement

    Working with coal easily

    Often, people think that lighting charcoal takes a long time and that's what stops them from leaving with a charcoal BBQ. Well, that may have been true a couple of...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Les secrets de l’entretien du fumoir  Franklin

    Franklin Smoker Maintenance Secrets

    The Franklin, due to its 100% stainless steel composition, requires special protection to benefit from its maximum durability. Don't panic! You don't need to be a professional to maintain your...

    Sam Bouchard |

  • Comment cuire des côtes levées en 5 étapes faciles

    How to Cook Ribs in 5 Easy Steps

    BBQ ribs are the bomb. If you've never had ribs that have been cooked and even smoked in a grill or smoker, you really need to try this. After that,...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Le fumoir Franklin, l'héritage de la fumaison

    The Franklin Smokehouse, the legacy of smoking

    A smoker that measures 80 inches and weighs 600 lbs, made of 100% American steel…? That’s pretty impressive, right? 😯 With its 24-inch combustion chamber, the Franklin Pit smoker from...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Un saumon fumé à froid d’exception

    An exceptional cold smoked salmon

    Every year, Max and JP cold smoke salmon. Their recipes are always a great success, both in their families and at events, and they are very proud of them. For...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Des sels aromatisés pour rehausser vos cuissons

    Flavored salts to enhance your cooking

    One of the basic seasonings present in any kitchen is salt. There are a lot of different types: table salt, sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, fleur de sel… all of...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Combinaisons gagnantes bois/protéines

    Winning wood/protein combinations

    Just like wine, wood also pairs better with certain types of proteins. And when we talk about wood in the context of BBQ, we are of course talking about charcoal,...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Quoi faire avec/comment cuisiner les viandes prémarinées

    What to do with/how to cook pre-marinated meats

    By: Alexandre Buisson Many people are tempted by pre-marinated meats sold in grocery stores or other stores when it comes to choosing what to eat during the day. It's okay...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Bien cuire son steak selon son épaisseur

    Cook your steak well according to its thickness

    From time to time, the size of the steaks you put on your grill will differ. Sometimes they will be thinner, and other times they will be MEGA big (for...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Le secret pour obtenir un repas gratiné IN-CROYA-BLE

    The secret to getting an IN-CREDIBLE gratin meal

    Mmmm , cheese gratin. 🤤 No matter what it's on, pizza, nachos, lasagna, potatoes... it's always good. You, like us, know that gratin cheese is life. 👌 That's why when...

    BBQ Québec |

  • 10 super cadeaux pour la fête des Pères

    10 Great Gifts for Father's Day

    The smile of a father cooking on the BBQ is incomparable. We see him, the "king of the grill", straight in front of his appliance placing his steaks in the...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Les 10 secrets des steaks parfaits

    The 10 Secrets of Perfect Steaks

    Steaks are life. I love it so much, that it's often the only thing I eat! Yes, yes, I can't get enough of it; it's the best thing in the...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Des allume-feux extrêmement fiables

    Extremely reliable fire starters

    To barbecue, you need a flame. With a gas or pellet grill, this is fairly easy to achieve, but it can be a bit trickier with a charcoal grill or...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Des gants surprenants

    Surprising gloves

    When you cook on the BBQ, you have a lot of hot things to handle. It is important to equip yourself to be able to handle, for example, a hot...

    BBQ Québec |

  • L’Angleterre, une destination BBQ?

    England, a BBQ destination?

    Among our European destinations, JP and I also stopped in England as part of our “BBQ around the world” project. And, because it's worth telling you about it, I've prepared...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Une bouteille tout usage pour toutes les occasions

    An all-purpose bottle for all occasions

    We always say it, it's important to stay hydrated when cooking on the BBQ. And... to help you achieve this, we've created the perfect accessory for that: the BBQ Québec...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Un module de cuisine extérieure EXCLUSIF à BBQ Québec

    An EXCLUSIVE outdoor kitchen module at BBQ Québec

    Text by: Sébastien Lacroix and Olivier Soucy Are you looking to add an outdoor kitchen to your backyard? We understand. BBQ days and evenings always seem more enjoyable when you...

    BBQ Québec |

  • BBQ autour du monde : la France

    BBQ around the world: France

    Max and I continue our tour around the world to explore how the world of barbecue differs from one country to another for our “BBQ Around the World” project. Our...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Une spatule, faite exprès pour enfourner

    A spatula, made especially for baking

    If pizza is life for you too, you've come to the right place. 😎 As pizza and BBQ fans, Max and JP have created a new tool to complete the...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Les BBQs aux granules : Camp Chef versus Yoder Smokers

    Pellet BBQs: Camp Chef vs. Yoder Smokers

    A pellet barbecue is the big trend of recent years. Why are some people crazy about it? Because it's efficient and reliable, and it allows people to slow cook and...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • D’excellents BBQs portatifs

    Great Portable BBQs

    To BBQ anywhere, portable barbecues are really great machines. What is also practical about portable BBQs is that they are grills that do not take up much space, so they...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Mon voyage au Kentucky

    My trip to Kentucky

    The second destination for our BBQ around the world project was Kentucky, USA. This was a trip I took without my brother, but with the team from our “worldwide” division,...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • 3 nouveaux produits fromagés signés BBQ Québec

    3 new cheese products from BBQ Québec

    That's it, BBQ Québec is back in grocery stores with brand new cheese products! 🎉 After several months of research and testing, Max and JP have created not 1, but...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Petit ensemble, gros potentiel

    Small set, big potential

    When cooking, sometimes you don't know which container to use. They are either too big, too small, too fragile or too heavy... Finding one that is just perfect is almost...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Une SOLIDE plancha à découvrir

    A SOLID plancha to discover

    The beauty of BBQ is that whether you want to cook a “classic” meal or try something new on the grill, the end result will always be delicious. (Because yes,...

    BBQ Québec |

  • Pourquoi choisir un BBQ Yoder Smokers

    Why choose a Yoder Smokers BBQ

    Yoder Smokers BBQs and Smokers are incredible machines. They are large, made “though”, reliable, and designed to last for years. For all these reasons (and more), these devices are quite...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Les accessoires essentiels des BBQs au gaz

    Essential accessories for gas BBQs

    To maximize the use of your gas BBQ, there are plenty of accessories available. By the way, what is interesting is that most accessories for gas barbecues (propane or natural...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • BBQ Québec en Colombie

    BBQ Quebec in Colombia

    In January 2023, Max and I went to Colombia. It was truly an incredible experience that is worth telling, so I'm taking the opportunity to tell you more about it...

    Jean-philippe Lavoie |

  • Deux techniques pour cuire le saumon

    Two techniques for cooking salmon

    There are several ways to cook and eat salmon. Indeed, there are people who prefer their salmon raw, like in sushi, others who like it better "well done", and others...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Mes secrets pour avoir des poitrines de poulet juteuses et croustillantes

    My Secrets to Juicy, Crispy Chicken Breasts

    There are many people who avoid cooking chicken breasts on the BBQ because they find that their meat always comes out dry. That, my friends, is because they simply don't...

    Maxime Lavoie |