BBQ Chronicles

  • Ce qu’il vous faut pour un « steak party »

    What you need for a steak party

    When we want to celebrate something, we agree that, generally, it's not with chicken that we're going to celebrate. We're going to go with a nice piece of beef; a...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Mes trucs pour créer le meilleur burger

    My tips for creating the best burger

    Those who know me know that burgers are my favorite meal. So if you ask me what, for me, is the best burger, I simply answer that all burgers are...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Comment cuire un steak sur chaque type de BBQ

    How to Cook a Steak on Each Type of BBQ

    Steak is always good. And, because I want you to always be able to enjoy a delicious steak, I thought I would tell you how to prepare one on all...

    Maxime Lavoie |

  • Comment choisir et bien cuire son steak

    How to choose and cook your steak properly

    As you probably know, my "diet" revolves around animals quite a bit, and yes, a "brisket" is good, but my main choice will be a good steak when I have...

    Maxime Lavoie |