How to choose an injector

Comment choisir un injecteur - BBQ Québec

When it comes time to buy an injector, we often take one without asking too many questions because we tell ourselves that they are all the same, but… that is not the case. Yes, they are similar, but there can be several distinctions from one model to another.

And, you know me, I like talking about BBQ and giving you my tips and secrets on everything, so… I’m going to help you choose your solid injection tool! 😎

Here is what I can tell you on the subject:

What is an injector used for?

Yes, let's start with the basics. An injector allows you to "insert" a liquid inside a piece of meat (or fruit) to transform its taste or texture, or, even, to help it retain its taste and moisture. (Just like a human, it's not just the exterior that counts, the inside of a food deserves just as much attention. 😌)

For example, you can increase the amount of fat in a piece of wood/game meat (a meat that is generally quite lean and dries out more quickly) by injecting it with butter or duck fat. Red meats, such as moose, venison, deer, pork and beef with butter are sick, and poultry such as bustard, turkey, partridge or chicken with duck fat is incredible. Seriously, the injections make a huge difference! 👌

What to look for when choosing an injector?

The important thing is to take into account the durability of an injector and its design. Indeed, you have to observe the quality of the materials used, because there are injectors that are made with plastics that can break or crack depending on what you put in them. There are also injectors that as soon as you take them out of the box, they don't work; the syringes get clogged with nothing. 😫 But, I reassure you, all the products we have at BBQ Québec are good, because we already look at all of that before putting items on our shelves; they are tested and approved by our experts, so there is nothing to worry about. 😉 (However, there are products of different qualities in what we sell.)

What makes a syringe a quality product?

I repeat, the build quality of an injector makes all the difference. You want an injector that is "the bomb", not one that will crack, break, or have a seal that will dry out quickly. So, if you are looking for something that looks good, buy your injector from BBQ Québec. 💯

(By the way, a little tip to make sure you keep your good injector for a long time: make sure to lubricate it. To do this, put a drop of oil [any oil, as long as it is edible] in the syringe or dip the "gasket" in butter, then assemble the syringe for your next use. That's all you have to do! 😉)

What are the differences between our injectors?

There are 3 BBQ Québec brand injectors: the Injector, the Injectorterminator and the Competition Injector.


This model is the "good, good, cheap" model, made of plastic. For the price, it is a very good product to get started with injections without investing too much. Its only flaw is that it is not dishwasher safe. BUT! It cleans easily, so it is not really a problem. 😉 Even during a BBQ competition you can rely on it.


The special thing about this injector is that it is made entirely of stainless steel. So it is even more durable than the first one. It is also dishwasher safe and comes with replacement gaskets and 3 different tips. What is special about them? They are different sizes and the holes are not positioned in the same places on each needle, which makes it even more versatile.


This is our hottest injector, because it allows people to inject endlessly! 🙌 (Yes, yes, it's sick! 🤩) In fact, there is a "pump system" that is included with this product. You put your injection liquid in a container, then insert the injector tube. You connect it to the syringe and it will self-feed when you press the trigger of the injector. You will never have to refill it!

By the way, if you want to inject large pieces of meat, inject "large batches" of meat, or participate in a BBQ competition, this injector will be your best friend. Oh! There are even 2 tips that come with it. It's really a dream tool! 🥰

What is the point of having multiple injector needles?

This is the second time I've mentioned that there are injectors with interchangeable tips/needles; maybe you're thinking "Yeah, but JP... what do I care if there are several tips!?", I'm getting there.

In fact, it is practical depending on the size of the piece you want to inject and the amount of liquid you want to put in it. For example, a needle with holes all around its tip will be super useful for injecting a turkey or a pork shoulder because it will cover more areas. You will then not have to make an astronomical quantity of insertions in your large piece of meat and will be able to give your fingers a little "break".

I say this, but I still have to mention that most of the time, however, it is the smaller one, the "classic" one, with a hole on the left and right that will be used (which is why it is the one that comes with our basic injector 😉), in particular, because it makes smaller holes.

Otherwise, having several tips can always be useful when one is in the dishwasher; it gives you a "spare" one. 😜 (Needles made of "stainless" are easy and quick to clean, but hey... we won't complain when we get more for our money! 😎)

What are some easy to inject liquids?

There are 3 things that can be used to inject:

  • fatty substances, such as butter or duck fat;
  • spirits, such as hard liquor, wine or beer; then
  • liquids, such as apple juice, Coke, 7 Up, or beef broth.

To this, we can also add injection powders that allow us to amplify the taste of meats and keep them juicier. What I mean is that apple juice, let's say, will make the meat taste more like apples, but injection powders, they will make the taste of the meat itself, more intense. The way it works is that the phosphate in the powders will allow the meats to retain water, which will make them juicier. And, since the powder mixes are made for a specific meat, they will also amplify its taste instead of changing it.

There are several companies that make injection powders. I'm thinking of What the Pork? And Sugar Daddy Bacon , Butcher BBQ , and Kosmos Q , who do excellent work.

There is no shortage of options, but whatever liquid you choose, I am sure the result will be “watatatow!”. 😍

Can all fluids be injected?

Without beating around the bush, the short answer is: no. It is very important to make sure that the liquid to be injected is liquid and not filled with lumps, clumps, or anything else, regardless of the syringe you use. (Because yes, there are spices that can clog the syringes! 😬) To avoid any problems, the ideal is to always pass the injection mixture through a sieve before using it.

And, if you ever feel like injecting a sauce, it's doable, but, since it's quite thick to begin with, I recommend diluting it by at least 50% with water AND passing it through a sieve first.

How to clean injectors?

Finally, it's super easy to clean an injector. You fill a glass with hot, soapy water, "pump" the water into your injector syringe, then squeeze the liquid out afterwards. You then rinse your tool by "pump" and emptying it with very hot water 2 times afterwards and... that's it!

An injector is very useful and easy to use. If you ever want to know more about injection in general, I invite you to read my article here . I explain why and how to inject and give you food/injection recommendations to do.

On that note, I wish you all a “Good BBQ!”. 🔥

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