Pellet BBQs… Real Dream BBQs! (Everything you need to know about these beautiful machines.)

Les BBQs aux granules… de vrais BBQs de rêve! (Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur ces belles machines.) - BBQ Québec

Ahhh… pellet BBQs… it’s the dream.

Seriously, I don't think I can say it enough, these are incredible machines.

Pellet BBQs are the BBQs of the future. In 10 years, I guarantee you that everyone will have one on their property. It's that hot.

So that you can really understand what beautiful machines they are, I'm going to introduce them to you in detail. Are you ready to blow your mind? Here we go! 😎

What is a pellet BBQ?

A pellet BBQ is a grill, a smoker and an oven all in one. It’s an “all inclusive” appliance.

In fact, think of it as an all-inclusive trip to the South. But… after 1 week, it doesn’t disappear, you have it forever. Once you have one, you will say “bye bye” to your oven and “welcome” to the visit and the beautiful ladies (or gentlemen). 😏

It's not complicated, you're going to "unplug" your oven, take your pellet BBQ outside and invite people over. No matter what you want to eat, you're going to be able to cook it on your BBQ. Chicken, steak, skewers, pizza, lasagna, cake, cookies... everything is possible; it's the ULTIMATE way to cook. Want to invite more people? Get a big model. Don't have any friends? I still recommend getting a big model, you're going to make plenty with a pellet BBQ! ( Ahhh... pellet BBQ... that's life.)

A pellet BBQ, technically, is a pellet (wood)/electricity hybrid because, as there is not enough electrical power on the 110, wood is also used to make it work. By mixing these two elements, there is a very hot heat source that is generated and, thanks to the BBQ's intelligent regulator, it can be controlled and reduced easily if desired.

With technology only getting better, this type of BBQ is becoming smarter and smarter. They are able to understand why they are overheating or underheating and "fire" the right number of pellets and adapt.

In short, once you have a pellet BBQ, it's like... "welcome to the future, big guy". 😜

Why? Because you'll be able to live the BBQ 3.0 experience: you can connect it to your cell phone, your iPad, your WiFi, etc., use it to smoke, then increase the "smoke level" and make it smoke more if you want. It always smokes and grills the food perfectly. (There are even several accessories that you can use to increase your searing temperature or smoke more "stock"! [Yes, yes, sick of the same!])

How does it work?

pellet bbq operation chart

It's very simple. You plug your BBQ into the wall, "set" the temperature with your iPhone or the button on the BBQ and let it increase. Once the right temperature is reached, you start cooking your food and... off you go! The pellets that you put in the tank will be brought to the "fire pot" thanks to an endless screw, then, during the first few minutes of lighting the BBQ, there is an element that lights; a hot rod that makes the pellets catch fire.

Under this famous rod, there is a blower that brings a jet of air and, when it comes into contact with the fuel, it catches fire. (I explain it in the BBQ 101 Course , air + fuel, it gives fire.) By growing larger and larger, the fire then creates a great taste in the cabin of the grill while the hood is closed.

The advantage of PID regulator

To ensure that there is always the right amount of pellets in the BBQ, pellet BBQs have what is called a PID controller. What does that mean? “PID” is actually short for “proportional-integral-derivative (controller).”

More simply, it is a system that works with a closed loop. The PID controller always calculates the margin of error between a given point and a process variable already defined, to finally correct everything according to proportional, integral, and derivative terms. It is complex, but we can summarize it as "it is an intelligent controller that does not always draw the same quantity of pellets so that the temperature remains stable in the BBQ".

Compared to a regular regulator, the difference is quite obvious.

comparison chart standard temperature controller vs pid temperature controller

What are the main advantages of a pellet BBQ?

A pellet BBQ is simple and fun to use, it cleans well (several models we sell allow, among other things, easy emptying of ashes and grease), it's versatile, it gives great flavors to food (it gives them the real good taste of wood [pellets are like mini logs of pure and hard wood, which always burn at the right temperature], without it being "oversmoked" or "overgrilled"), it uses connected technology, it lights and heats quickly, it maintains the temperature well (with an insulating cover in addition, the temperature "swings" even less!), it's smart (the little techies will love it!)... Even the smoke it makes is good smoke, for the taste and for the health! Seriously, it's impossible to miss food in there, it's like... too easy to handle. Did I say it's a dream BBQ? 🙃

Among all of these, if I had to say ONE hot feature , I would say it's its versatility, because there's nothing you can't do with it. Oh! And I can't decide... 🙈 Its tech side is also very cool. Connecting to the BBQ, remotely, on our Apple Watch, even while we're grocery shopping is pretty awesome. Thanks to that, we can monitor our cooking remotely without any worries and have peace. A pellet BBQ is really like... the Tesla of BBQ.

Why is this such a big trend?

With all that I've told you, you can probably guess that people love it because it's easy to use (you literally just have to activate it by pressing a button) and because the end result is always good (even the smell is incredible!). Once you touch a pellet BBQ or taste what comes out of it, you can't go back; you stay in the "pellet crew" forever. It brings fun and food that tastes good.

Is a pellet BBQ the same as a smoker?

Not exactly. A pellet BBQ is a smoker, but it's also more than that. As I mentioned, it's also an oven, and many of the models we sell at BBQ Québec are also grills. A smoker is generally made for smoking; it's not designed for grilling.

With a pellet grill, you can easily set up cast iron grates, crank the temperature up to 400/500°F, and grill and cook your food. With a smoker, it's much more complicated to do.

Can you put anything other than pellets in a pellet BBQ?

No. It is really designed to contain only pellets; charcoal pellets, wood pellets… You are free to make small homemade pellet mixes for example! And… there is no shortage of choices; there are even charcoal or Jack Daniel's pellets, which is really “on the mark”! 👌

Is it used all year round?

Yes, no problem! Your electrical wire to plug it in won't freeze, even in winter. 😉

Even so, you can dress it with an insulated cover in order to use it in very cold temperatures and further reduce large temperature differences in your BBQ.

Are there any portable models?

Well yes! That's the dream too. 😜

The PPG20, the Camp Chef Pursuit 20 , is the ULTIMATE pellet grill. You can take it anywhere. It folds, it cooks everything, it's super fun to use, it has a built-in slide and grill function (you can grill with it!)… You can go on adventures with it and there's even enough room in it for you to cook a brisket!

How can having a pellet BBQ change your life?

A pellet BBQ is all styles of BBQs, grills, smokers and indoor ovens integrated into one machine that, in most cases, can be connected to your cell phone.

Plus, with a pellet BBQ, you can enjoy food that has that real BBQ taste all year round, and work with a machine that is easy to use and clean.

What more could you ask for?

What should you look for when choosing a pellet BBQ?

The first thing I want to tell you is that when you are ready to come and equip yourself with a nice machine, come see us at BBQ Québec. We test all the BBQs thoroughly to make sure we offer you the best products on the market, so you are sure to leave with something hot.

Otherwise, the most important aspect to look at when shopping for pellet grills is the quality of the regulator. You want to make sure that your grill has a PID regulator that won't break after a few cooks, because if it doesn't, it can cost you a lot of money to repair.

Otherwise, the fact that you can connect and control your BBQ via your smartphone is also another interesting feature to take into account.

Then, clearly, you have to think about the size you need. We have 24” and 36” models. Personally, I always have enough space with the 24”, but with a pellet BBQ, there are clearly people who will ask you to cook for them, so the 36” can also be a good option. 😜

Portability is also another aspect to consider. Do you want to take your BBQ to the park, beach, cottage, and/or campsite, or would you prefer it to stay at home all the time?

Finally, it is important to choose a BBQ that has a good warranty and that is offered by a company that has good customer service. (This is why, in particular, we are proud to work with Camp Chef.)

Yoder or Camp Chef?

At BBQ Québec, we have two brands of pellet BBQs: Yoder and Camp Chef .

Yoders are the best pellet grills in the world. They are the best of the best. Compared to Camp Chefs, they heat up more and retain heat better, but that's because they are much heavier. (They are also much more expensive...) A person who wants to participate in a BBQ competition, that's clearly what they want. I mean, you just watch a Yoder and you're like... Oh yeaaaah . 😎 To treat yourself, there's nothing better than that.

Camp Chef BBQs, however, are by far the best value for money. They really do the job, they work well, and you can feed a lot of people with them. I would even go so far as to say that, even though the Yoders are really sick, personally, I would rather have 3 Camp Chefs than 1 Yoder in my yard, for the very reasons I just mentioned.


For any questions you may have about pellet BBQs or to shop for one, don't hesitate to contact our advisors in store, on our website or on our social media pages. (And if you run into me, you can talk to me directly! I can't guarantee it'll be a short conversation though. 🤪)

See you next time and… have a good BBQ!

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