The Multimax Support, THE multifunction support

Le Support Multimax, LE support multifonction - BBQ Québec

From now on, according to my calculations, no one will ever be able to tell you that you are not capable of doing 2 things (or more!) at the same time. 😎

“Huh!?” Yes, seriously.

Why am I telling you this? Because today, we are launching a new accessory, the Multimax BBQ Québec Support ! “Oh yeaaaah!” 🤘

It's what?

You guessed it, it's an accessory that will allow you to cook absolutely everything on the BBQ, at the same time! It's really practical. With it, you will no longer need to rack your brains to know where and how to place your food.

In fact, if you have a large family or like to entertain, this is especially great. I say that because it will save you money (because it's the equivalent of multiple accessories merged into one) and time (since you'll be cooking multiple foods at once). I mean, you want to cook just chicken drumsticks? You can take it. Just one chicken? That's what it does, too. Drumsticks and a chicken? That's doable too, since you now have so many options.

More precisely, the Multimax Support is a reinforced 304 stainless steel basket made up of 5 pieces that is made to be installed on all BBQs (in the case of a charcoal BBQ, however, you must use it with an All-in-1).

The rounded shape of its "legs" allows it to be placed on all cooking grills and its height allows it to hold food in place. What I mean by that is that ribs, for example, will not fall apart while cooking. (By the way, if you are a big rib eater, know that the aluminum pan of the Presto BBQ is compatible with the Multimax Support, so that will be one less thing for you to buy. 😉)

Also, not only is the Multimax Support compatible with BBQs of all types, it is also "camping-friendly". "Yes", if you like spending time in nature, it can be easily transported in a bag. You can also install it above your charcoal to cook your meals without any problem. 👌

Why did we create this?

As you know, my brother and I cook astronomical quantities of food on the BBQ. So, after cooking with several accessories, we said to ourselves "why not have just one that does everything?" 🤔 An accessory that would allow us to maximize our cooking...

We thought about it, and then we said to ourselves that there was something to do with that. So, here we are today with a product that is made specifically for that. 😎

What is really “hot” about our product?

As you can probably guess, what impresses me the most is all the things you can do with this accessory. For example, it has enough space to hold 2 whole chickens and 12 chicken drumsticks (yes, at the same time!) or 6 full racks of ribs, 4 corn or even 1 turkey, or lots of other foods! This is no joke, even 2 beer can chickens fit in there ! In fact, it has so much space that, if there is still room, you can even fill the holes with chicken wings, potatoes or peppers, among other things. It's pretty mind-blowing.

Otherwise, another interesting aspect is that our product is made with thick stainless steel. Before launching a new product, we always make sure to test what we create. So, I can guarantee you that we have used the Multimax Support extensively before offering it to you. We wanted to create something that would be useful to people who BBQ, "for real", so that you too can have fun using it. Why am I telling you this? Because we know what you are going to be able to put in it. We then made sure that it was really solid by using thicker stainless steel. (It is even thicker than what is recommended!) Similar products on the market do not offer the same quality. And that shows that at BBQ Québec, we do not do things by halves. Our product is robust and durable. 💯

What do I prefer?

As I just said, this is a really solid accessory, in every sense of the word. At the risk of repeating myself, that's its primary use, but I also really like the fact that I can use the Multimax Support to cook a lot of "stock" at the same time.

It's impressive. I mean, once it's loaded, people will always go "WOW! It's awesome!" when you open the lid of your BBQ.

It's so spectacular that I don't even think I've discovered all the things you can do with it! (And you know me, when I can try new things, I don't hesitate to let my creativity run wild! 😜)

What are the “musts” to cook with this?

I mentioned it above, but for cooking chicken, ribs or chicken drumsticks, this accessory is really great. You can even use it as a rotisserie. So roast beef, roast beef, turkey, or large piece of meat… anything is possible!

The weekend is over? Take advantage of it to cook 2 chickens at the same time! By working with the Multimax Support, you can have one for dinner and another for lunches during the week. Also, hang chicken drumsticks on the side of the accessory and you will have the key to the success of your meals in your hands! 🙌

In conclusion

In addition to being ultra versatile, multifunctional and very easy to use, the Multimax Support is easy to clean and store. Having this quality product at home means being on your way to glory and feasts fit for kings! 👑

There you go. I look forward to hearing from you about our new accessory!

Come see us in store or visit our website to get one! 🤩

Happy BBQ!

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