BBQ Recipes

  • Tartare farci pas tant tartare - BBQ Québec

    Stuffed tartare not so much tartare

    An easy recipe for salmon tartare. I call it my not-so-tartare tartare, as it is stuffed and quickly seared on the salt board, for an explosion of flavors! Servings: 250g...

  • 5 recettes de souper de semaine sur le BBQ - BBQ Québec

    5 Weeknight BBQ Dinner Recipes

    Because I never get tired of using our new New Delhi spices, I wanted to share with you a top 5 of dishes that I have experimented with and that...

  • Saumon sur planche de sel himalayen - BBQ Québec

    Salmon on Himalayan salt board

    Salmon cooked on one side on a Himalayan salt plate, with a coffee crust and glazed with maple butter. Servings: 2-4 (approx. 250g per person!) Preparation time: 20min Cooking time:...

  • CraBBQ! - BBQ Québec


    Crab on the BBQ? Hey! Yes, it's possible! But you have to act quickly because the snow crab season is short-lived. Lasting about 6 weeks, fishing starts in early April...

  • Poisson entier sur le BBQ? Mais absolument! - BBQ Québec

    Whole fish on the BBQ? Absolutely!

    A simple and effective little recipe to spend more time with your family than with your BBQ! Nothing better than a good trout freshly caught and grilled on the fire....