Whole fish on the BBQ? Absolutely!

Poisson entier sur le BBQ? Mais absolument! - BBQ Québec

A simple and effective little recipe to spend more time with your family than with your BBQ! Nothing better than a good trout freshly caught and grilled on the fire. This recipe will be delicious on your BBQ at home but may be better in the middle of the woods, with a campfire as a heat source.

Servings: 4

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Ingredients :

  1. Preheat the BBQ with your two heat zones, one direct heat zone and one indirect heat zone to 400°F.
  2. Cut the lemon into thin slices and set aside.
  3. Add Rub Sugar Daddy Bacon Rimmer spices onto your fish on the flesh side, then place them in your fish basket with the lemon slices on the skin side.
  4. Send over indirect heat, skin and lemon side up, for about ten minutes, until the trout flesh is cooked, then grill for about 1 minute per side to brown the flesh.

Add bourbon wood chunks to your charcoal for even more flavor!


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