Stuffed tartare not so much tartare

Tartare farci pas tant tartare - BBQ Québec

An easy recipe for salmon tartare. I call it my not-so-tartare tartare, as it is stuffed and quickly seared on the salt board, for an explosion of flavors!

Servings: 250g of salmon per person for a full portion or 100g per person if it is a starter.

Preparation time: 10 min

Cooking time: 2 min



  1. Slowly preheat the salt board in the indirect zone, then place it in the direct zone.
  2. Cut your smoked salmon into small cubes
  3. Fill the Stuffing Maker as you would with ground beef for a burger.
  4. In the center of the tartare, add the avocado, bacon, green onions and capers
  5. Sprinkle with Caribbean spices
  6. Add smoked salmon on top and close everything well with the Stuffing Tool (to see a video on how to use it, click here)
  7. Place your tartare on the board, and cook for about 2 minutes
  8. Add a little fresh lemon juice on top and some Funky Chili Sauce

Serve with a little green onion on top, and wow your guests!


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