Salt on Himalayan Salt Board with Bacon Sticks

Tire sur planche de sel himalayen avec bâtonnets de bacon - BBQ Québec

Salt on Himalayan Salt Board with Bacon Sticks

Savoring maple taffy on snow is truly a must-do every spring. However, if there is no (or very little) snow, what do we do? We find an even hotter way to make it! (Yes, we will not deprive ourselves of this Quebec delicacy. 😉)

You probably already know the recipe for sweet and salty taffy made on a salt board that can be found on our site. This version follows the same principle, but I "pimped" it by making everything edible, even the stick! (Anyway, we all know that EVERYTHING tastes better with bacon!) 😏

So here is what I propose to you:

Working tools:

Ingredients :

  • 300 ml maple syrup
  • 7 slices of bacon

Preparation :

  1. Place the salt board in the freezer for several hours.

  2. After several hours, preheat the BBQ to 400°F.

  3. Pour the maple syrup into a saucepan and, to turn it into taffy, heat it on the BBQ until it reaches an internal temperature of 239°F. (Measure the temperature with the Thermomax.)

  4. Meanwhile, place the bacon slices in an indirect cooking zone and cook until very golden brown. (They will need to be turned about 2 to 3 times during cooking.)

  5. Place the bacon slices in the freezer for 2 minutes to give them more texture and make them tougher.

  6. Once the 2 minutes have passed, remove the bacon slices and the salt board from the freezer.

  7. Pour the taffy onto the salt board and, once the taffy has reached the right consistency, coat it around the bacon slices. (Another way to do this is to place the bacon slices on the salt board and pour the taffy directly onto them.)

  8. Taste and enjoy the moment!

For an even more extreme taste, you can even dip your creations in chocolate. Either way, the result will be excellent!

Happy BBQ!


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