Beef liver

Foie de bœuf - BBQ Québec

Beef liver

Today, I present to you a recipe that is very simple, but above all, very delicious. This recipe is like a vitamin bar; it contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins. You will see, after eating these beef livers, you will feel strong to attack your day or your week. (Yes, you can even cook this recipe for breakfast, with eggs, you will not notice anything. 😉)

By the way, this is a recipe that is perfect if you are following a paleo diet, since it uses unprocessed and natural products. The paleo diet is really a pleasant diet, because you don't have to rack your brains to cook. You can eat meat, vegetables, sugar... lots of good things. 😁

Without further ado, here’s how to make this delicious meal:

Working tool:

Preparation :
  1. Place the salt board on the BBQ and preheat to 400°F. Add ghee to the salt board and let it melt.
  2. Place the bacon slices on the salt board and while they are cooking, cut the onion into small cubes. Add the onion cubes to the salt board and let it cook.
  3. When golden, remove the slices from the salt board. Set aside.
  4. Add ghee to the salt board and let it melt.
  5. Meanwhile, spread the Montreal Style dry marinade over the entire beef livers, then coat them with Booster.
  6. Place the livers on the salt board and let them cook. Once golden, turn them over and add the onions on top.
  7. Crack the eggs over the beef livers, then place the cooked bacon slices on top.
  8. Add ghee on top of the preparation, let it melt, and pour the Jalapenos sauce over everything.
  9. Take a wide spatula (the BBQ Québec spatula, for example) and remove the meal from the salt board.
  10. Serve and enjoy!

Happy BBQ!


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