It's a good time to take advantage of it, it only happens once a year!

C’est l’bon temps d’en profiter, ça arrive rien qu’une fois par année! - BBQ Québec

Since I entered the wonderful world of BBQ, the Christmas party has changed. Of course, food remains at the heart of the receptions, but family and friends are now invited in a formula where the BBQ is in the spotlight!

At our house, it happens on December 25th. I welcome my family, my in-laws, friends who have nothing planned that evening and sometimes even friends of friends. No question of leaving anyone abandoned on Christmas Eve! My door, my arms and my heart are open. And my way of showing people that I love them is to cook for them.

Since I love cooking, I make it the central event of the evening. A few weeks before, I determine the menu with my sister Arianne, who is also a grill enthusiast and a seasoned course assistant at BBQ Québec. She also helps me on Christmas Eve. There are classic recipes that come back year after year, like “Maxfeller” oysters or stuffed burger bites. I also include new ones, based on what I have experimented with or what I feel like at the time! Being adventurous, I even risk asking some people to contribute. So they come home with various things to grill, smoke, reheat… I always find room for these improvised additions!

So, the evening takes place largely around the kitchen island, this place of sharing and abundance. I admit that I make a few trips outside, where I usually have company. Kids playing hockey, curious people who want to learn more, people who have eaten too much and need to get some air. Because it's certain that after 14 courses, when I take out the cocktail sausages, we might be less hungry!

But what are the advantages of cooking Christmas dinner on the BBQ? First, the BBQ brings people together. Humans who once tamed fire used it to light, warm up and cook food. The food that comes out of the BBQ is just as good! I have never seen a family around the oven to admire its contents! Then, who says BBQ also says less dishes! No smells in the house. And let it be said, EVERYTHING is better on the BBQ!

It is clear that my BBQ bites formula is demanding and requires creativity and organization. Simplified formulas are also possible. For example, several things can be made in advance (smoked salmon, grilled Caesar salad, etc.) and/or simply reheated using indirect cooking (meat pie, gratin dauphinois, pouding chômeur, etc.) A mix of hot and cold bites can also be offered.

Otherwise, the traditional turkey and its accompaniments can be cooked entirely on the BBQ. In addition, my favorite concept when I entertain is to prepare whole pieces of meat (injected filet mignon, roast beef, leg of lamb, etc.), potatoes and mountains of vegetables. I slice the meat, potatoes, then arrange everything on a large platter in the center of the table, where each guest will help themselves according to their appetite. Those who prefer well-done meat can eat the ends, while those who like rare meat can choose the slices from the center.

For dessert, it's simple. Grilled fruit, slices of Yule log, pieces of fudge and scoops of ice cream are arranged on a long parchment paper in the center of the table. Napkins and spoons are distributed to the guests, who indulge in dessert to their heart's content, still without dishes!

To make your Christmas BBQ a success, I recommend reading the following article, which covers winter cooking:

In closing, I wish you a fiery Christmas... May the passion for BBQ be an accomplice in your evenings and may the love of the grill bring together around you the people who are dear to you! Who knows, if you have been good, maybe Santa will fill your Christmas stockings with items from your favorite BBQ store!

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