A sweet and salty maple taffy

Une tire d'érable sucrée salée - BBQ Québec
You may have seen that at BBQ Québec, we decided to melt the snow a few weeks ago.
The end of the snow means the beginning of the fun for any BBQ lover, but it also means the end of delicious maple taffy made on... snow.
After hours of intense thought, I finally decided that snow was probably optional after all.
I decided to try something original by replacing the snow with a frozen salt board for a simple, quick and surprisingly delicious maple taffy recipe.
Servings: 10
Preparation time: 2 hours
Cooking time: 10 min
You will need:
-2 cups of maple syrup (for about ten servings)
-1 board of salt, to be placed in the freezer 2 to 5 hours before preparation
-1 teaspoon of butter
-wooden sticks
We will start by pouring all of the maple syrup into a pot, then pour in the butter.
Then, we put everything to boil on the grill of our BBQ. During cooking, we will validate the temperature of our maple with a thermometer.
Insert the tip into the center of the syrup and when the thermometer displays a temperature between 112°C and 115°C, remove the pot from the grill. Be careful not to stir your syrup, it cooks better without touching it ( in fact, stirring promotes crystallization).
No time to breathe for our maple taffy, we're going to take the salt board out of the freezer and, using a spoon, pour our maple taffy in a line directly onto the board. The salt board has an incredible number of possible uses, but most people don't think of using it frozen, which is a shame because it adds a really interesting touch. For more information on the different uses and history of the salt board, I invite you to read JP's blog post ( https://bbqquebec.com/fameuse-planche-sel-rose-himalaya ).
Well, now that's it, we let the maple taffy get to know our salt board for a few minutes, then all we have to do is collect the delicious taffy by rolling it with the sticks, then enjoy.

Then cry when you realize you're going to have to do it every day because the kids love it.
Enjoy your food :)

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