Here is a blog post written in honor of International Grilled Cheese Day. It's surprising that grilled cheese is interesting enough as a meal to dedicate an international day to it. It must be said that, these days, everything has its world or international day. Let's be honest, we rarely have our guests over for a grilled cheese dinner. That's good, I'm a grilled cheese expert and I'm going to show you how to elevate yours, they will go to the next level.
When you say grilled cheese, you necessarily say cheese. There are so many varieties of cheese that it is very easy to vary the taste of grilled cheese.
I'm a full-time college student and I work part-time, so I'm always looking for ways to save time. What's faster than grilled cheese? You could say I eat it a lot. Today, I'm going to share with you my top 3 grilled cheese recipes.
First recipe: The classic
Serving: 1
Preparation time: 2 min
Cooking time: 4 min
Ingredients :
2 slices of bread (your choice)
Brie cheese
1 pear, sliced
Preparation :
Cut the brie cheese into thin slices.
Peel and cut the pear into thin slices.
Light the barbecue and preheat to 350°F.
Place the Napoleon cast iron plate on the barbecue until it is very hot.
Put a little butter on each slice of bread.
Assemble the bread, brie cheese slices and pear slices.
Drop on the cast iron plate Napoleon previously heated on the barbecue, then listen to the sweet sound of the bread sizzling (pssshhhht!).
Put the Panini press on the bread for 2 minutes on each side.
Enjoy your grilled cheese.
Second recipe: For meat lover
Serving: 1
Preparation time: 2 min
Cooking time: 4 min
Ingredients :
2 slices of bread of your choice
2 slices of mild salami
1 slice of ham
2 slices of Swiss cheese
2 slices pepperoni
Preparation :
Light the barbecue and preheat to 350°F.
Place the Napoleon cast iron plate on the barbecue until it is very hot.
Put a little butter on each slice of bread.
Assemble bread, salami, ham, pepperoni and Swiss cheese.
Drop on the cast iron plate Napoleon previously heated on the barbecue, then listen to the sweet sound of the bread sizzling (always pssshhhht!).
Put the Panini press on the bread for 2 minutes on each side.
Enjoy your grilled cheese.
Third recipe: The veggie
Serving: 1
Preparation time: 5 min
Cooking time: 4 min
Ingredients :
2 slices of bread of your choice
2 slices of veggie pâté
1 avocado
Dried tomatoes to taste
Goat cheese
Firebarns Sri Racha Sauce
Preparation :
Mix mayonnaise with Sri Racha sauce to obtain a spicy mayonnaise.
Light the barbecue and preheat to 350°F.
Place the Napoleon cast iron plate on the barbecue until it is very hot.
Put a little butter on each slice of bread.
Brush the 2 slices of bread with the spicy mayonnaise.
Slice the avocado and the veggie pâté.
Assemble the bread, veggie pâté, avocado slices, sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese.
Place everything on the cast iron plate Napoleon previously heated on the barbecue, then listen to the sweet sound of the bread sizzling (pssshhhht!).
Put the Panini press on the bread for 2 minutes on each side.
Enjoy your grilled cheese.