Raclette on Himalayan salt board

Raclette sur planche de sel de l’Himalaya - BBQ Québec

In January, it's cold and we need more energy because the sun is rarer. So it's with good meals that we will find this energy again!

What's better than a good raclette with friends? To do something different, we will make this raclette on a block of Himalayan salt.

In fact, Himalayan salt allows for perfect cooking in addition to giving a more complex salty taste to our food than table salt.

To do this, it's very simple. First, place the salt board in your BBQ or oven at medium power and let it reach its temperature for 45 minutes to 1 hour. The board will perfectly redistribute the heat evenly throughout the block, allowing you to cook your food on its entire surface.

Of course, since the board will be extremely hot (Himalayan salt melts at 1473.4°F, it is very important not to place the salt on a surface that can be damaged by the heat.)

I personally recommend the salt board holder which you can get on our website or in one of our branches.

You can then place it on a slate or a steel plate to avoid any problems.

Then the fun begins!

Let your imagination run wild when it comes to the foods you use!

Beef slices (sirloin, filet mignon, rib eye), mushrooms, onions, sliced ​​pork tenderloin, bacon, broccoli, salmon and shrimp can be used. The possibilities with the salt board are unimaginable!

Fruit can also be a great option on the board; apples or pineapples, for example. Smoked meats may be too salty to taste since they are often already very cured. Cheese could be used but it will give you a little more work when cleaning up after cooking.

Do not hesitate to add fresh or dried herbs to your grills. Pepper can also be added as seasoning but we recommend not using a marinade (often already very salty) or even adding salt afterwards because the taste of Himalayan salt is very pronounced.

Himalayan salt is considered as one of the best salts available in the market for our body with its high number of minerals and lower sodium content compared to other salts.

Finally, after you have eaten well, let your salt board sit for a few hours and rinse it gently with water, brushing it with a firm brush and scraping with the back of an old knife.

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