For something natural, Oakridge BBQ dry rubs

Pour du naturel, les marinades sèches Oakridge BBQ - BBQ Québec

Most dry marinades (rubs) on the market for barbecue contain a high percentage of salt and low-quality spices. However, not all products Oakridge are made with unrefined cane sugar, extremely high quality herbs and spices, and the perfect amount of sea salt to balance the flavor profile of each rub to perfection.

The raw cane sugar used is crystallized during the pressing of pure sugar cane. It has a wonderful molasses flavor and a higher burn point than refined white or brown sugars found in any store.

This allows these dry marinades to be used for slow cooking as well as for high temperature grilling, and to retain their exquisite tastes. All these products are made with spices and herbs of unequalled freshness, by hand and in very small quantities, so that you are assured of buying the freshest and tastiest products possible.

Additionally, Oakridge does not use any MSG (monosodium glutamate), artificial ingredients, preservatives or anti-caking agents in their spices. All of their products are also certified gluten-free.

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