Beef, so comforting

Le boeuf, si réconfortant - BBQ Québec
I have to confess, I am a 100% self-confessed carnivore. That's why I enjoy experimenting with different cuts, different cooking methods, different techniques. Like any good carnivore, I have a big weakness for beef.
It happens to me regularly, when I am invited to dinner, that I am asked if I can take care of cooking the meat. Very excited by the project, these are friends that I have not seen for a long time and making a memorable piece is a good plan. But what exactly? So I got my hands on a superb piece of 1855 scoter of about 2.5kg, it is an excellent start. I want them to live the experience 100%, so I decide to bring one of my best friends that they do not know, I named my Weber Kettle Premium 26''. I always cook on charcoal, because in my opinion, nothing beats this taste. Everything is in place to give them a culinary experience. Not being fixed on my recipe, I quickly come to the conclusion that injecting the scoter is an excellent idea to accentuate the taste and tenderness. In addition, what a great opportunity to try the new Butcher BBQ injection range. So it was armed with my “Prime Brisket” injection, my injection syringe, my BBQ, some charcoal, 2-3 pieces of wood and a few jars of spices that I arrived at my friends’ house.
Their faces still changed when they saw me take out my BBQ, I got a "you know I had a BBQ" but not as much as when they saw me take out my syringe. They had the same surprised and incomprehensible look as Luke Skywalker when he learns that Darth Vader is his father. So I explained to them the benefits of injecting a piece of meat. I'm not sure if they understood everything, but I told myself that they would definitely understand when they tasted it.
Here is my recipe which, by the way, left them as speechless as a child who sees "uncle" Clément putting on Santa's outfit on December 24th.
Servings: 4-6
Preparation time: 5 min
Cooking time: 35 min
Ingredients :
• Scoter between 2 to 2.5 kg
• The injection mixture Prime Brisket Butcher BBQ
• Dry marinade Argentina BBQ Quebec
An injection syringe (I know this is not a food ingredient, but something that makes your recipe better, I put that in the ingredient category)
1. Add water to the injection mixture and mix well. (the dosage is written on the jar as well as a small container is included to calculate the correct amount)
2. Inject the piece of meat about every two inches; so that the injection is well distributed throughout the piece of meat.
3. Make the first layer of dry marinade on the rump using Grilling Addiction spices (by the way, these spices are magic in a jar). It is important to cover the entire piece.
4. Then, make a second layer with the Argentina spices which will enhance the taste of the beef.
5. Set your BBQ to 275 degrees F and add two pieces of wood of your favorite species. Personally, I used Pecan wood for this recipe. It is a very mild wood that pairs really well with beef.
6. Cook the piece in indirect heat until 120-125 degrees F internal. (By the way, if you don't have a thermometer, run and get one! But you can still take the time to finish reading).
7. The technique I use with pieces of this size or thickness is called "Reverse sear" which consists of searing the meat at the end of cooking instead of the beginning.
8. Once 120-125 degrees Fahrenheit is reached: sear the meat directly above the heat until it reaches 135 degrees Fahrenheit internally.
9. Wrap the piece in aluminum foil for about ten minutes. This step will help to keep the juices inside the meat and distribute the cooking perfectly.
10. Slice and serve
Obviously, my weapon of choice is the BBQ, but this recipe can be made in a conventional oven and seared in a cast iron pan. I guarantee that by injecting your pieces of meat you will have super juicy and incredibly tender meat.
PS: If you make this recipe at a friend's house, there is a certain risk that they will constantly ask you to come and make it again for them 
Happy BBQ!

1 comment

Peux t’on faire cette recette sur un BBQ aux gaz
J’ai un prestige 500


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