Keto pizza

Pizza keto - BBQ Québec

Servings: 1 medium pizza (6-8 pieces)

Preparation time: 10 min

Cooking time: 10 min


(crust inspired by the recipe "Keto Pizza in 10 Minutes" from the site "the diet chefs: )


  1. 1 3/4 cups almond flour
  2. 2 tbsp coconut flour
  3. 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
  4. 1 tsp. spices Texas from BBQ Quebec
  5. 2 eggs
  6. 1 tbsp coconut oil


Crust Carbs: 6g carbs - 3g fiber = 3g net carbs


  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl
  2. Add melted coconut oil and eggs
  3. When all the ingredients are incorporated, form a ball by hand.
  4. Between two sheets of parchment paper, using a rolling pin, form a round dough.
  5. Bring up the edge of the dough to form a small thick crust all around the edge
  6. Grill the pizza on a BBQ Quebec pizza stone , either on your gas BBQ, or, even better, in a All-in-One well installed on your kettle type bbq, like a Master Touch
  7. Let it grill at about 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 minutes, taking it out when the sides start to brown
  8. Crush the tomatoes and mix them with the tomato coulis and BBQ sauce
  9. Pour over the grilled crust and add the beef slices.
  10. Add the grated cheese and place the bacon on top
  11. Put back on the grill, or even better, in your All-in-one , for 5 to 7 minutes
  12. Once the cheese is melted and grilled, remove from the grill and add the arugula and egg.
  13. Return to the grill for a few minutes, until the egg is cooked, or runny to your liking!

Let stand for a few minutes, slice and serve. Enjoy!

To see the recipe in video, click here .

1 comment

Merci pour cette belle recette Kéto 😋🥰


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