Thanksgiving Guinea Fowl

Pintade de l'Action de grâce - BBQ Québec

As you know, I love challenges! When I was challenged to make a whole guinea fowl, on our stainless steel BBQ Québec vegetable rack , I jumped at the chance!

With Thanksgiving coming up, this is a perfect recipe for entertaining, because believe it or not, after my many tests, I managed to fit not one, but two guinea fowl on the vegetable rack!

Now, you're going to ask me: but Max, I'm used to making a turkey, what's the difference with a guinea fowl?

First of all, guinea fowl is a lean poultry like turkey, but smaller. It has a slightly stronger taste, and the flesh is very juicy, provided you baste it well during cooking! It really stands out from the crowd, and will certainly make a good impression on your guests!

To make sure I had a tender and juicy meat, I used good spices, with a stuffing of onions and mushrooms. I even made him a mushroom cap, and a cape with a piece of Wagyu skirt, because why not!

With my mashed sweet potatoes, and the beautiful presentation, we have a perfect Thanksgiving dinner!



  1. Open the sweet potatoes and sprinkle with California seasoning.

  2. Place on the BBQ for indirect cooking.

  3. Coat the guinea fowl with the Booster and Caribbean spices

  4. Place the guinea fowl upright on another vegetable rack.

  5. Place on the BBQ at 325°F using indirect cooking, until an internal temperature of approximately 150°F

  6. Prepare the beef skirt with Appalachian spices

  7. Remove the guinea fowl from the BBQ, and place the beef skirt on top of the guinea fowl, securing it with a toothpick.

  8. Return everything to the BBQ until the internal temperature of the guinea fowl reaches 170°F.

  9. Once cooked, mash the potatoes and mix the beef skirt steaks in small pieces into the mash.

Feel free to make a beautiful presentation plate and share your final result with us!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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