Oysters with pulled pork

Huîtres au porc effiloché - BBQ Québec

Oysters are great on the BBQ! And since it's oyster season, I thought it was the perfect time to share one of my favorite recipes, my famous oysters with pulled pork recipe! Oh yeah!

This recipe has proven itself; that's why it's in my BBQ au Max book. I'm telling you, the result is truly excellent and all your guests will ask for more!

Here's how to prepare this meal:

Servings: 4 / Preparation: 15 minutes / Cooking: 15 minutes / Barbecue temperature: 200°C (400°F)

Ingredients :

  • 225 g (8 oz) pulled pork*
  • 4 drops of Tabasco
  • 24 medium oysters
  • 120 g (1 cup) grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 tbsp smoked chili pepper
Method :
  1. Preheat the barbecue.
  2. In a paella pan or a pan suitable for grilling, combine the meat and Tabasco. Reheat over direct heat for about 5 minutes, stirring.
  3. Open the oysters using an oyster knife, then place them on a baking sheet.
  4. Spread meat over oysters, then top with cheddar cheese. Cook over indirect heat for 7 minutes or until cheese is melted.
  5. Remove oysters from grill. Sprinkle with chili and serve.
*In the book I refer to my recipe for “Original Pulled Pork,” but if you don’t have the book you can make this recipe which will give an equally tasty result.
Happy BBQ!
P.S. – The book BBQ au Max , published by Guy Saint-Jean, is available at BBQ Québec and several bookstores. I'll tell you right away, you'll have a lot of fun cooking and savoring the recipes in it! 😉

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