Fancy pork tenderloin

Filet de porc fancy - BBQ Québec

Today I'm showing you how to cook the best thing in the world, pork! Pork tenderloin is delicious. So I'm going to share my secrets with you so you can restore the noble notes of the dry pork tenderloin of your youth! 😉

Here's how to prepare a fiery pork tenderloin:

Required tools:

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Preheat the BBQ to 500°F with all burners on high*.

  2. Place the smoker box with the applewood chips directly over the burners in the direct heat zone and replace the grate. When the chips start to smoke (an almost transparent smoke, not too intense), lower the burners so that the chips do not flare up**.

  3. Using the injector, inject the pork tenderloin with the liquid pork injection.

  4. Coat the pork tenderloin with Booster flavor enhancer, then with Kansas dry marinade.

  5. Place the thickest part of the piece of meat towards the back of the BBQ and sear the pork tenderloin in an indirect heat zone for 2 minutes on each side. Make sure the pork tenderloin comes away from the grill before turning it over.

  6. After searing the pork tenderloin, reduce the center burner to low to create an indirect heat zone and allow the BBQ temperature to drop to 400°F. Transfer the pork tenderloin to this zone and continue cooking until the meat has an internal temperature of about 130°F.

  7. Brush the pork tenderloin with Raspberry Chipotle sauce and let it caramelize.

  8. Remove the pork tenderloin when it has reached an internal temperature of about 135°F and is nicely caramelized.

  9. Slice the fillet and enjoy this delight!

*I use a gas grill to make this recipe, but you can make it on any smoker.

**If your chips ever catch fire, pour water or beer on them to moisten them.

Happy BBQ!

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