Today I present to you another recipe that is perfect to serve at brunch.
For those who don't know, a "loco moco" is actually a traditional Hawaiian meal that, most of the time, consists of a plate of white rice on which you place a burger and an egg and, finally, you drizzle with a runny sauce. My version is a little different (I couldn't not put delicious slices of bacon, you know me 😜), but I assure you that my loco moco will give you energy and bring a lot of flavors to your mouth. Clearly, to try it is to adopt it! 👌

Ready? Here’s how to make this awesome lunch:

Required tool:

Weber Plancha

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

½ cup white rice (or konjac rice)

60g cheddar cheese, sliced

2 slices of bacon (1 per person)

1 avocado, sliced

½ lb ground beef

Coriander, to taste

2 eggs

Butter, for cooking

California BBQ Quebec dry marinade, to taste

Caribbean BBQ Quebec dry marinade, to taste

Preparation :

Preheat the BBQ to around 500°F (a temperature between 400 and 600°F is ideal).

Form the minced meat into balls and place them on the Plancha or on the BBQ grill in the direct zone. Wait about 5 to 10 seconds, then crush them with a spatula to give them a flat shape.

Sprinkle Caribbean dry rub on top of meatballs and cook until internal temperature of 165°F.

Meanwhile, add the bacon slices to the direct or indirect cooking zone (on the BBQ grill or on the Plancha) and cook until crispy. Set aside.

Place the rice in a BBQ bowl, place the bowl on the grill in the indirect cooking zone and cook the rice according to the instructions on its packaging. Set aside (under the top grill of the BBQ if possible).

Butter the Plancha, then crack the eggs over it (if the bacon slices were cooked on the Plancha, use the bacon fat instead of butter) and sprinkle them with California dry marinade.

When the meatballs are well grilled, place them in an indirect cooking zone (on the top shelf if possible so that the meat juices flow onto the rice) and place a slice of cheese on top of each one so that the cheese melts.

When everything is ready, start assembling on a plate by placing, in order: rice, a meatball with cheese, an egg and a slice of bacon. Repeat this step for the second portion.

Serve each portion sprinkled with coriander and accompanied by slices of avocado*.

* For an even more delicious and divine result, you can even drizzle everything with Colonel Mustard BBQ Québec sauce or enjoy your bites by dipping them in mayonnaise mixed with dry marinades.

Happy BBQ!


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