Wagyu Interview

Entrevue Wagyu - BBQ Québec

Since my very beginnings behind the fire of a BBQ, I have always looked for quality meats, and as many local producers as possible, in order to encourage local purchasing!

One meat that has always fascinated me with its world-renowned reputation for high quality is Wagyu beef.

I wanted to learn more about this legendary beef known all over the world, and I recently had the chance to talk with Simon and Mélissa from Ferme Kobec, the first 100% fullblood Wagyu beef breeders in Quebec. With Simon and his background in catering and Mélissa who was born on a dairy farm, this duo is THE reference. So I spoiled myself and was able to ask all my questions to these 2 beef experts!

What do Wagyu cattle eat?

Cattle are fed premium forages and grains, as well as feed grown on the farm or purchased locally. No feed by-products are used in the ration, and cattle have access to pesticide-free pastures.

Can you tell us about breeding?

Our cattle are of course raised according to traditional Japanese methods; the steers are raised until 28-29 months of age to optimize the marbling in the 100% fullblood Wagyu meat, therefore a meat that outperforms commercial Wagyu beef. The breeding is also without antibiotics or growth hormones. Their environment is calm and stress-free and they have human contact every day, so the animals in the herd are calm and affectionate. These are selected according to their genetics of meat quality, not quantity.

Is it true that oxen listen to classical music? In your country as in Japan?

Not really. Some do, but the idea behind it is to avoid stressing the cattle. We also often hear about massaging Wagyu cattle. This is also a myth. In the past, people believed that massaging them would get more fat into the muscles, until they realized that back fat and intramuscular fat (marbling) are not the same type of fat at all!

Exactly, what is intramuscular fat?

Intramuscular fat is a monounsaturated fat necessary for proper cardiovascular function, just like olive oil or salmon fat. In Wagyu beef, it is rich in omega 3 and 6. Be careful not to confuse it with back fat, which is a bad fat for your health. Wagyu cattle are genetically predisposed to accumulating fat inside their muscles. The more purebred the animal, the more likely it is to produce well-marbled meat.

What is the cut that people ask for the most, e.g. sirloin?

Rib steak. In Wagyu beef, there are so many interesting pieces to discover or rediscover. There is nothing ordinary, even the ground steak is different.

Is it true that they drink beer before slaughter or during growth?

Again, this is more myth than reality. In Japan, during the hot summer days, oxen eat less. Beer acts as an appetite stimulant. Access to clean, fresh water and shelter from the sun are the conditions to prioritize to ensure good food consumption. Beer would be too expensive, we prefer to keep it for ourselves.

How many resellers do you have in Quebec?

At the moment, our products can only be purchased directly at the farm by appointment. We mainly sell half carcasses to individuals. At the beginning of the summer, we will be at the St-Bruno de Montarville Public Market on Saturday mornings and at the St-Hilaire Public Market on Wednesday afternoons.

What does Wagyu fullblood mean?

There are 3 types of Wagyu.

1- Wagyu fullblood = 100% purebred Wagyu that has never been crossed with another breed and originates from Japan

2- Wagyu cross = Wagyu that has been crossed with another breed

3- Purebred Wagyu = 4th generation or more Wagyu that has been crossed in the past. Purebred is a bad translation from English to mean percentage.

Can our customers buy it online?

Given the rarity of our product, we advise customers to follow us on our Facebook page to find out about our new arrivals. You have to act quickly and order by private message or by phone to have the greatest choice of cuts.

Questions in Rafales:

  • Brisket or Short ribs? Brisket (Mélissa) / short ribs (Simon)

  • Sirloin or strip loin? Strip loin (Mélissa) / sirloin (Simon)

  • Montreal or Argentina dry marinade? Montreal

  • Sauce or no sauce? Sauce for slow cooking parts and no sauce for grilling

  • Smoked or vacuum packed? Smoked

  • Fullblood or cross? Fullblood

  • For the seizure: Charcoal or infrared or cast iron pan? Cast iron pan for the extremely marbled parts, otherwise charcoal

  • Stabilize production or increase Wagyu beef production? Increase

  • Quebec or Japan? Quebec

  • A word to our readers? Let's be proud to be Quebecois! For Wagyu, demand Kobec beef for your BBQs from BBQ Québec!

Finally, I am pleased to show you the honors that the farm has received:

  • Recipient of the sustainable development scholarship at the “Turnez-vous vers l’excellence!” competition in 2019

  • Front page of the “Journal de Montréal” on February 22, 2016

  • Finalists at the 2015 Constellation Gala of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Maskoutains, in the Agricultural Enterprise – Young Entrepreneur category

  • Deserving of a scholarship for the next generation of farmers, by the CLD des Maskoutains, in 2014

  • First page of “La Terre de Chez Nous” for the month of June 2014

  • Scholarship recipients at the 2013 regional and national “Hats off to the girls!” competition

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