Trick your taste buds with these BBQ side dishes!

Trompez vos papilles grâce à ces accompagnements sur le BBQ! - BBQ Québec

From the garden to the table, via the barbecue! Dare to grill your favorite vegetables, or even those you like less (they will certainly have more flavor thanks to your BBQ)! Some grilling novices do not maximize the potential of their outdoor cooking machine. They prepare their meat or poultry on the BBQ and return to the house for the accompaniments! Your piece is very good, but like all things, it needs to be well accompanied to be at its best.

Good grillers don't underestimate the importance of side dishes. The most adventurous will even dare to try potatoes! But that's enough! Potatoes don't have a monopoly on side dishes on the BBQ. No more dictatorship, Mrs. Potato! We're pushing back on audacity here by showing you how to grill Romanesco cabbage, samphire, salsify and cassava! Well no, it's a joke... Let's go ahead with more classic vegetables anyway. Although all the vegetables mentioned above exist, and would even be excellent on the BBQ!

By the way, “vegetables” is not the same as “plate.” “Vegetables” are just as appetizing as “chips,” “macaroni and cheese,” and “bacon,” okay? Especially thanks to these taste-testing BBQ side dish recipes:

Chips (zucchini [you don't have to mention these last two words to your guests])

Servings: 2-4

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Ingredients :
- 1 Zucchini
- 2 tablespoons of sesame oil (or avocado or grape seed)
- 1 tablespoon of California dry marinade BBQ Quebec

Preparation :
1. Preheat BBQ to 400 degrees F.
2. Cut the zucchini into thin slices.
3. Place the slices, side by side, on a baking sheet.
4. Brush half of the oil onto the zucchini. Sprinkle half of the California dry rub on top. Toss your zucchini pieces and repeat with the other half.

5. Place the baking sheet in direct heat for 7 to 10 minutes, or until the zucchini pieces are golden brown. Turn the slices over halfway through cooking.

6. For crispier chips, let cool to room temperature.
7. Pssst! You can double or tenfold the recipe!

Cauliflower and/or Broccoli and/or Brussels sprouts with parmesan [you are obliged to mention these last two words to your guests]

Servings: 2-4

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes

Ingredients :

- 1 Cauliflower or 1 Broccoli or 1 lbs of Brussels Sprouts (or a third of each!)

- 2 tablespoons of sesame oil (or avocado or grape seed)

- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

- 1/2 cup parmesan cheese

-2 tablespoons of Kansas dry marinade BBQ Quebec

Preparation :

1. Preheat BBQ to 400 degrees F.
2. Decapitate (!) the cauliflower or broccoli or Brussels sprouts and cut into medium pieces.
3. In a bowl, mix the shrubs evenly with all the other ingredients.

4. Place on a baking sheet and cook indirectly for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the vegetable pieces are golden brown.

5. Pssst! You can double or multiply the recipe!

Carrot Slices [you can replace the word Carrots with Bacon and your guests will be fooled]

Servings: 2

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 5-7 minutes

Ingredients :

- 1 large carrot

- 1 tablespoon of sesame oil (or avocado or grape seed)

- 1 pinch of Argentina dry marinade BBQ Quebec

Preparation :

1. Preheat BBQ to 375 degrees F.
2. Cut the carrot into thin, wide, long pieces (like a ribbon), using your peeler or mandolin.
3. In a bowl, mix the carrot strips evenly with the other ingredients.

4. Place on the BBQ Québec Baconizer in direct cooking, for 5 to 7 minutes, or until they are crispy enough for your taste.

5. No need to tell you that you can multiply the recipe tenfold if necessary!


1 comment

De belles découvertes, originales, tout en humour. J’adore.

Sophie Morin ,

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