Secrets and recipes for perfect steaks

Secrets et recettes pour des steaks parfaits - BBQ Québec

Today I'm revealing techniques and my best recipes for almost every cut of steak. Follow my advice and, I tell you, you'll be on your way to glory every time you cook steaks because they'll be so "solid."

More specifically, today I'm going to show you how to prepare and cook short ribs, briskets, skirt steaks, rib steaks, sirloins, filet mignons, and flank steaks. (By the way, the techniques I'm going to tell you about also apply to wild meats, but since they're less fatty, you'll have to adjust the cooking accordingly [it will have to be slower].)

On that note, be aware that when the recipe says that the BBQ should be preheated to about 400°F, you can preheat it to a lower temperature, like 225, 250, 275, 300 or even 350°F, depending on whether you are in a hurry or not. In fact, the difference is that the higher the temperature of the BBQ, the less beer you will be able to drink. 😉

Also, I generally recommend letting steaks sit on the counter for about 30 minutes or even 1 hour so they can sear faster. Indeed, the warmer your steak is, the faster it will sear. The faster it sears, the faster you can place it in an indirect cooking zone and the faster you will get the result you want (be careful, I invite you to look at the recipes in advance, because in some cases it is preferable for the meat to be frozen or refrigerated).

As a reminder, here are the cooking temperatures for steaks:

  • 120°F = blue

  • 130°F = rare

  • 140°F = medium

  • 150°F = medium well done

  • 160°F = well done

Ready? Let's go!

Beef short ribs

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  • Preheat the BBQ to approximately 400°F.

  • Sprinkle Texas dry rub on each side (even the edges) of the piece of meat to create a “good crust”.

  • Place the piece of meat on the top grill of the BBQ in the indirect cooking zone and cook until its internal temperature reaches the desired cooking temperature (between 120 and 160°F).

  • Serve and enjoy!

Beef rib steak

Rib steak is really great when cooked over coals, caveman style. That said, you can cook it just as well over charcoal as you can over hardwood, such as maple, apple or oak.

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Remove the BBQ grill and place the charcoal (or wood) to one side to create a direct and indirect cooking zone.

  2. Light the charcoal so that it is extremely hot, even "molten".

  3. Blow on the charcoal to activate it, ignite it and ignite it for searing the rib steak (the fact that the charcoal is very hot will ensure that the juices, juices and flavor are "trapped" in the piece of meat when it is placed on it).

  4. Sprinkle the Steak spices on both sides of the rib steak, then blow on the charcoal one last time before placing the piece of meat directly on the embers, in the fire.

  5. As soon as it comes away from the pieces of charcoal (or wood), turn the piece of meat over. (If small pieces remain stuck to the meat, remove them with tongs.)

  6. When the meat is well seared on both sides, set it aside for a few moments and reinstall the grill on the BBQ. Place the rib steak on the grill in the indirect cooking zone and cook until its internal temperature reaches the desired cooking temperature (between 120 and 160 °F). (Personally, I eat my rib steak at an internal temperature of 135-140 °F.)

  7. To add a little salty kick to the piece of meat, sprinkle Booster flavor enhancer on top after slicing (optional).

  8. Serve and enjoy!

Beef shank

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Preheat the BBQ to approximately 400°F.

  2. Sprinkle a little Booster flavor enhancer on both sides of the piece of meat, then add (still on both sides) Aime ta vache beef spices.

  3. Place the shank on the BBQ grill in the indirect cooking zone, making sure that the thickest part is towards the back of the BBQ to protect the piece of meat from excess heat and so that it cooks more evenly (the thickest part (Thinner meat can also be shaped into a "ball" to cook more slowly and more evenly). Let the meat cook until its internal temperature reaches the desired doneness temperature (between 120 and 160 °F).

Beef brisket

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Slice the brisket into very thin slices, about ¼ inch thick.

  2. Vacuum pack the slices and place them in the freezer (because the water particles in the meat will freeze, the brisket fibers will "break down" and make each slice extremely tender).

  3. Let the brisket slices thaw, then preheat the BBQ to 400-500°F.

  4. Sprinkle Steakenator Dry Marinade on both sides of each slice.

  5. Place the brisket slices on the BBQ grill and grill them in the direct cooking zone on both sides (turning them once more if necessary) for about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Let the meat cook until it has an internal temperature of about 200 °F so that the collagen has melted, and everything is delicious in the mouth.

  6. Serve and enjoy!

Flank steak

Flank steak is a really slow-cooking cut of meat. In fact, if you start by grilling it, its fibers may not have time to tenderize and stay juicy, so it's best to cook it before grilling.

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Preheat the BBQ to approximately 400°F.

  2. Sprinkle a thin layer of Épices magiques spice rub on both sides of the flank steak, then add SPG beef spice rub on top (again on both sides of the piece of meat) to create a “good crust”.

  3. Place the flank steak in an indirect cooking zone and cook, slowly, until its internal temperature reaches 10 to 15°F less than the desired final temperature (e.g., if the desired doneness level is "blue" [120°F], cook the meat until its internal temperature is approximately 105°F).

  4. Move the flank steak to a direct heat zone and sear it on both sides until its internal temperature reaches the desired doneness (i.e. 120°F in the case of the previous example).

  5. Serve and enjoy!

Beef sirloin

Generally, it's best to sear a beef sirloin first and then cook it. However, if the steak is about 2 inches thick (or more), it's best to cook it before searing because of the length of the fibers and because you don't want the steak to overcook on the outside.

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Preheat the BBQ to approximately 400°F.

  2. Sprinkle Booster flavor enhancer on each side of the sirloin, then add (still on both sides) Steak and Brisket Spice Mix to create a little crust.

  3. Place the piece of meat on the BBQ grill in the direct heat zone and sear it on both sides.

  4. Place the sirloin in an indirect heat zone and cook until the internal temperature reaches your desired doneness (between 120 and 160°F). (I personally eat my sirloin at 130°F.)

  5. Serve and enjoy!

Beef filet mignon

Required tool:

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Refrigerate the filet mignon until very cold (working with a cold piece of meat will ensure that the injection mixture will set immediately once it is inside the meat).

  2. Preheat the BBQ to approximately 400°F.

  3. In a bowl, mix the butter with the cognac (or another alcohol), making sure that the butter/alcohol ratio is equal. Heat everything until the consistency is liquid.

  4. Remove the filet mignon from the refrigerator, “pull” the liquid into the injector and inject it into the piece of meat.

  5. Sprinkle the Pepper and Fennel dry marinade on both sides of the filet mignon to create a “good crust”.

  6. Place the piece of meat in the direct cooking zone to sear it, then, when the filet mignon is nicely crusted and caramelized, place it in the indirect cooking zone. Let the piece of meat cook until its internal temperature reaches the desired cooking temperature (between 120 and 160 °F). (Personally, I eat my filet mignon at 120 °F.)

  7. Serve and enjoy!

For an even crazier result, I recommend replacing the Pepper and Fennel dry marinade with Steven Raichlen's Santa Fe dry marinade and adding, in order, a lick of maple butter, a slice of blue cheese, and a few slices of grilled BBQ shallots seasoned with BBQ Québec's California dry marinade on top of your piece of meat while it cooks.

Happy BBQ!

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