Maxlington Beef

Bœuf Maxlington - BBQ Québec

The recipe I'm showing you today, I called it "Maxlington Beef" because in fact, it's my reinvented Beef Wellington recipe.

You'll see, your piece of meat will be really tender and the result will be absolutely awesome! Besides, if you want to treat yourself and have an extra side dish, I advise you to serve this with a salad, pasta, macaroni salad or potato salad.

Here's how to prepare the recipe:

Required tools:

Ingredients :

  • 2 cups white mushrooms

  • Interior round, cut “filet mignon” style

  • Steakenator BBQ Quebec dry marinade , to taste

  • Montreal BBQ Quebec dry marinade , to taste

  • 10 (approximately) slices of bacon

  • 1 cup (or more) Parmed'Or cheese (a half-parmesan, half-cheddar type cheese), grated

  • 2 eggs

  • Goose fat, for cooking

  • 5 (approximately) slices of Parmed'Or cheese (or a combination of cheddar and parmesan) (optional)

Preparation :

  1. Place the Himalayan pink salt board on the BBQ grill and preheat it to maximum.

  2. Place the mushrooms on the salt board and let them dehydrate for about 5 to 15 minutes (depending on the size of the mushrooms and their moisture content). When they have the right consistency, remove them from the BBQ and let them cool.

  3. Sprinkle a thin layer of Steakenator Dry Rub on each side (even the ends) of the piece of meat, then add Montreal Dry Rub, making sure to fill in any unseasoned spaces with it.

  4. Stir the fire by blowing on the pieces of charcoal, then place the piece of meat in the direct cooking zone. Starting with its round, grill the inside of the round for about 1 minute, 1 minute 30 seconds on each side (even the ends), or until the meat comes off the grill easily. Remove the piece of meat from the BBQ when each of its sides has been grilled.

  5. Using the poker, scrape the charcoal from one side of the BBQ to create a direct and indirect cooking zone.

  6. On the work surface, place the bacon slices next to each other. Place the inside of the round in the middle of the bacon bed and fold the slices over themselves so as to envelop the piece of meat. Use the wooden skewers or stainless steel nails to hold the slices in place.

  7. Place the wrapped piece of meat in the indirect cooking zone, put the lid on the BBQ and let it cook evenly.

  8. While the meat is cooking, finely chop the mushrooms with a knife or put them in a blender. Place the mushroom pieces in a bowl.

  9. Add the grated Parmed'Or cheese to the bowl with the mushrooms and crack the 2 eggs on top. Mix everything together with a spoon until smooth. (This will become the "dough" for the Maxlington beef.)

  10. Transfer the Himalayan salt board over the flame in the BBQ and spread goose fat over its surface.

  11. Pour and spread the mushroom mixture on top of the Himalayan salt board and let it cook.

  12. When the bacon slices can "stand" on their own, remove the skewers or nails from the meat. (If oak or maple skewers were used, I recommend leaving them in, as they can smoke the meat.)

  13. When the mushroom mixture comes away easily from the board, turn it over onto the board.

  14. Place the coated piece of meat in the middle of the "dough" and coat it again, this time with the "dough" itself. Use the skewers or stainless steel nails to hold everything together.

  15. If there is not enough "dough" to cover the entire meat, place the cheese slices in the "holes" so that they bind everything together while cooking/melting (optional).

  16. Using the Thermomax, take the temperature of the piece of meat. The meal is cooked when the internal temperature of its center is 120-125 °F and that of its circumference is 145-150 °F.

  17. Remove the meat from the BBQ and let it rest.

  18. Add a touch of Steakenator dry rub on top of the cheese slices (optional).

  19. Slice everything, serve and enjoy!

Happy BBQ!

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