Stuffed Meatball Recipes

Recettes de boulettes farcies - BBQ Québec

Surf and Turf Meatballs with Lobster

2 meatballs:

  • 1 lobster (or equivalent in lobster meat)

  • 680g (1.5 lbs) of not too lean ground beef

  • 125ml (1/2 cup) sharp cheddar cheese

  • 15ml (1 tbsp) fresh coriander

  • 15ml (1 tbsp) Wafu sauce

  • 5ml (1 tsp) lemon zest

  • 10 small capers

  • 1 avocado

  • Quebec BBQ Sweet Lemon Sauce to taste

  • Montreal BBQ Quebec Spices to taste


Lobster: Chop the coriander, cheese, avocado and capers and mix with the lobster meat. Add the lemon zest and Wafu sauce.

  1. Mix ground beef with Montreal BBQ Quebec steak spice.

  2. Place the ground beef in the mold.

  3. Stuff with the lobster mixture.

  4. Close the top and make sure the meat is sealed well.

  5. Seal with Quebec BBQ Sweet Lemon Sauce.

  6. Grill indirectly for 10-15 minutes with smoking option and uniform temperature of 350°F and transfer to direct cooking for 1 minute on each side.

  7. Serve (only the meatball or assembled into a burger)

ACCOMPANYING: Greens and spicy mayonnaise or nothing at all.

Poutine Meatball

2 meatballs:


Potato: Brush the potato slices with avocado oil and sprinkle with Tex Max BBQ Québec spices. Grill for 2 minutes on each side over medium heat.

  1. Mix ground beef with Ocean BBQ Quebec spices.

  2. Place the ground beef in the mold.

  3. Stuff with the cheese curd mixture.

  4. Pour the Ketchot BBQ Québec sauce to taste over the cheese curds.

  5. Add the potato slices to the mixture.

  6. Close the top and make sure the meat is sealed well.

  7. Grill indirectly for 10-15 minutes with the smoking option and an even temperature of 350°F and transfer to direct cooking for 1 minute on each side.

  8. Serve (only the meatball or assembled into a burger)

Classic Meatball

2 meatballs:

  • 340g (3/4 lb) ground beef, not too lean

  • 340g (3/4 lb) ground veal

  • 125ml (1/2 cup) feta cheese

  • 65ml (1/4 cup) bacon

  • 15ml (1 tbsp) green onion

  • 15ml (1 tbsp) fried onion/breadcrumbs

  • 5ml (1 tsp) Montreal BBQ Quebec spices

  • 5ml (1 tsp) Argentina BBQ Quebec spices

  • Quebec BBQ Maple Bourbon Sauce to taste


  1. Mix the ground beef and veal with the Quebec BBQ spices.

  2. Place the minced meat in the mold.

  3. Stuff with the feta cheese, bacon, green onion and fried onion mixture.

  4. Pour the Bourbon Maple BBQ Quebec sauce to taste over the mixture.

  5. Close the top and make sure the meat is sealed well.

  6. Grill indirectly for 10-15 minutes with the smoking option and an even temperature of 350°F and transfer to direct cooking for 1 minute on each side.

  7. Serve (only the meatball or assembled into a burger)


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