Lobster Tails with Lemon and Garlic

Queues de homard au citron et à l’ail - BBQ Québec

As you know, I love giving you fire recipes that are simple and effective and that allow you to BBQ with your guests at home. Today, I am spoiling you with a completely "exploding" and decadent starter recipe that comes straight out of the book " BBQ au Max ": a recipe for lobster tails with lemon and garlic that my brother invented.

In fact, when I was younger, I wondered why there was lemon butter and garlic butter, but no lemon garlic butter… So we reinvent butter with this recipe by creating one that is both lemon and garlic; a “lemon-garlic” butter, the result is wonderful.

Ingredients :

  • 1 sprig of thyme*

  • 1 sprig of rosemary*

  • 1 sprig of oregano*

  • 2 lobster tails

  • 1 ½ lemons

  • 10 (approximately) cloves of garlic

  • 3 (approx.) tsp olive oil

  • Texas BBQ Quebec dry marinade , to taste

Preparation :

  1. Preheat the BBQ to approximately 500°F, making sure it has a direct and indirect heat zone**.

  2. Using a knife, chop 4 cloves of garlic as finely as possible on the work surface.

  3. Put the thyme***, rosemary and oregano leaves with the chopped garlic cloves and chop everything so that the pieces are not too big and stick well to the lobster tails. Place everything in a bowl and add the juice of ½ lemon.

  4. Using a knife, slice a few pieces of the peel from the ½ lemon and remove as much of the “white” inside each piece as possible. Finely chop the pieces to make zest. (Zest can also be obtained using a zester if preferred.) Add zest to bowl.

  5. Add about 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the bowl and mix everything together.

  6. Cut the lobster tails in half and clean each piece well.

  7. Spread the garlic and herb mixture over the lobster meat and sprinkle with Texas dry rub. Place the lobster tails on the grill in the direct cooking zone, meat side up, and let them heat up so that the meat "detaches" easily.

  8. After 3 minutes, to prevent the flesh from "sticking together" and starting to burn, transfer the lobster tails to an indirect heat zone and cook slowly for about 10 minutes, until the flesh is white and opaque.

  9. While the tails are cooking, place a cast iron skillet on the direct cooking zone of the BBQ. Slice the whole lemon into quarters, then when the pan starts to get hot, add about 2 teaspoons of olive oil, a handful of whole garlic cloves (about 6) and the lemon quarters. Let everything grill and roast, making sure to stir the contents of the pan from time to time.

  10. When the lobster tails, garlic cloves and lemon wedges are ready, remove them from the BBQ.

  11. Chop the roasted garlic cloves and add them to the lobster meat****.

  12. Drizzle grilled lemon juice over each piece of lobster tail****.

  13. Serve and enjoy.

*These herbs can be replaced with your favorites if desired.

** If you are using a charcoal BBQ, I recommend using BBQ Québec exotic charcoal.

***To easily remove thyme leaves, hold the branch and, with your other hand, slide your fingers along its stems.

****Instead of adding these ingredients separately, you can also use them to create your own lemon garlic butter.

Happy BBQ!

1 comment

Merci très bon et plus simple qu’on pense! J’ai remplacé la coriandre par de l’estragon frais et principalement du beurre au lieu de l’huile d’olive.

Bref, une recette versatile!


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