Brisket on the smoker

La Brisket sur le fumoir - BBQ Québec

Brisket is the most difficult cut of meat to make, due to its size (it doesn't fit in all smokers!) and its cooking time, which is even longer than its cousin, the shoulder. It's the cut of meat that differentiates men from children, and BBQ queens from little girls. When you master our Brisket recipe, you've reached a level of BBQ so high that even tofu could be saved thanks to you. At this point, you've become a BBQ Jedi, a Samurai of smoke, a Mr. Miyagi of beef brisket. But before that, you'll need a few 101 tips on Brisket.

Please note that if you smoke in a smoker where the heat comes from below (example: Kamado, Drums, Weber Smokey Mountain, etc.), we recommend that you place the fat towards the bottom to protect the piece of meat from the slightly more intense heat.

If you are smoking in a smoker that has heat coming from the side (like an offset smoker), you can put the fat side up, however you will have grill marks on your "meat" side. JP always prefers to put the fat side down.


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