Beer Can Chicken

Poulet sur canette de bière - BBQ Québec

For a long time, chicken was the unloved meat on the BBQ. Known as being dry and bland, it didn't get the attention it deserves! However, I have so many wonderful memories associated with this comforting dish! Admit that there is nothing better than sharing quality time with our loved ones around a good whole chicken roasted on the BBQ! It's friendly, unifying, unpretentious, and especially delicious when well prepared!

Here is a quick and easy recipe, perfect for weeknights, and which will give you leftovers for delicious chicken sandwiches for lunch, or for entertaining friends and family on a Saturday evening!

Servings: 4

Cooking time: 1 hour

Preparation time: 30 minutes


  • 1 whole chicken, about 1 ½ lbs.

  • Western Dry Marinade

  • Caribbean dry marinade

  • California Dry Marinade

  • Sauce Sweet Lemon

  • 1 can of beer of your choice

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Onions

  • Carrots

  • Celery


  1. Place the chicken in a bowl, and sprinkle with Western and Caribbean spices.

  2. Cut your favorite vegetables, sprinkle with California and Caribbean spices and add them to the bottom of the chicken holder on can .

  3. Insert the beer can into the holder, then the chicken onto the can.

  4. Place the rack on the BBQ at about 325°F using indirect cooking until the internal temperature of the chicken is about 170°F, checking with the Thermomax Jr.

  5. Serve and enjoy!


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