My Father's Day Tradition

Ma tradition de la fête des pères - BBQ Québec

Every year, for me Father's Day rhymes with family gathering! I love cooking for my family, especially on the BBQ, and making them their favorite dishes!

I consider myself very lucky, because my whole family, my parents, my sister and her family, and my wife and my two sons, we all live on the family land! Sometimes it's not easy to be away from the people you love, but in these different times, I have the support of my family and it makes our daily lives sweeter to be able to see each other.

With Father's Day coming up, I plan on continuing our tradition of getting together for a big BBQ! Now more than ever, I take the time to appreciate family time, and realize how lucky we are to be together.

Every year, I prepare my two must-haves: hot-smoked speckled trout and original filet mignon on the BBQ.

Spring being the ideal time for trout fishing, I always have a good supply on hand. I like to prepare a big batch of hot smoked trout, so it keeps in the fridge for 3 months, or in the freezer for 1 year.

And since my son Samuel is allergic to fish, I make sure to always have a meat option to satisfy his appetite! The original is a must in our house, and I always have some in my freezer, in anticipation of Father's Day, when I make my famous filet mignon with flavored butter.

I make my trout on my kettle with my All-in-1, that way I have all the space I need to smoke several at once!

Servings: 8

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Preparation time: 15 minutes


  • 8 speckled trout about 14 inches

  • Coarse salt

  • Brown sugar

  • L'Aube dry marinade

  • Maple wood pellets

  • French shallots

  • Capers

  • Avocado oil


  1. In a roasting pan, put a little coarse salt, then add the whole trout, cover with brown sugar and sprinkle with Aube spices.

  2. Turn the trout over to add brown sugar and Aube spices.

  3. Refrigerate for 6 hours

  4. In your kettle with the All-in-1 and 2 grids, make a snake on the bottom grid and add the maple wood pellets on top

  5. Skip one rack to let some air in, and place the trout on both racks of the All-in-1

  6. Heat for about 3 hours, not exceeding 150 degrees

  7. Take out the trout to debone them

  8. Thinly slice the French shallots and chop the capers.

  9. In a 250ml Mason jar, first place 5mL of shallots, then 2 mL of capers, 1 drizzle of avocado oil, 1 pinch of Aube spices, then about 1 inch thick of flaked trout. Repeat these steps until the Mason jar is full.

  10. Makes about 4-5 jars

  11. Place in the fridge (keeps for about 3 months) or in the freezer (keeps for about 1 year).

Personally, I serve trout as a bite, on crackers with cream cheese. A real bite of happiness!

I'll leave you... I still have trout to catch! Next time, I'll share my filet mignon recipe with you!


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