Today I have a great recipe for you, a recipe for chicken stuffed with morels and Swiss cheese. Oh yes, it's going to be naughty!
Morels, if you don't know what they are (or have never tried them), they are actually a mushroom that tastes really good and always gives "solid" results, no matter what you add them to. However, you have to be careful with these mushrooms, because in order to eliminate their toxins, they must be cooked for at least 10 minutes before being used. Also, it is best to soak them in salted water to clean them and make sure they are bacteria-free before grilling or smoking them. (If you have morels left over at the end of this recipe, don't hesitate to make a nice cream sauce with them, you will see, the result will be really crazy!)
More specifically, here's how to prepare the morels before adding them to the recipe:
Soak the morels in a bowl of salted water for 1 minute and preheat the BBQ to 400°F.
When the BBQ has reached the correct temperature, lower it to around 350°F.
Drain and place the morels in an indirect heat zone and let them cook for at least 10 minutes (or even 15 to make sure everything is nice).
Turn the morels over and cook until softened and smoked.
Once the morels are ready, you can start preparing this tasty meal. Here's how:
Ingredients :
2 chicken breasts
Morels, to taste
150 g crusted Swiss cheese (in a wedge), cut into thin slices
Sweet Kansas BBQ Quebec dry marinade , to taste
Preparation :
Prepare the morels (see steps above), then once they are off the BBQ, preheat it to 420°F.
Cut the morels into small pieces. Set aside.
Using a knife, cut a lengthwise opening into the chicken breasts, making sure not to cut the breasts completely in half.
Stuff the inside of the chicken breast opening with the cheese slices and place plenty of morels on top. "Close" the chicken breasts.
Sprinkle both sides of the chicken breasts with Sweet Kansas dry rub, then place them on the grill in an indirect heat zone, making sure that the opening is facing up. Let everything cook for about 30 minutes, or until the chicken breasts have an internal temperature of at least 170 °F in their heart (be careful to measure the muscle of the meat and not the stuffing).
Serve and enjoy with a good beer and a side of your choice!
There you have it, your fire meal is ready!
Happy BBQ!