Stuffed turkey burger

Burger de dindon farci - BBQ Québec

Today, I'm showing you how to make a delicious turkey burger. This burger will dazzle your eyes and taste buds, thanks to its turkey patty stuffed with black garlic cheese, cranberries and salted butter, and its bun replaced by "slices" of smoked turkey skin. You'll see, this meal is sure to get you fired up!

Here's how to prepare it:

Servings: 2 // Prep time: 10 minutes // Cook time: about 30 minutes // Total time: 40 minutes

Ingredients :

Required tools:

Preparation :

  1. Preheat BBQ to 400°F.
  2. Place the ground meat in a bowl and season with Kansas and Explorer dry rubs. Knead the meat by hand so that the rubs are evenly distributed over the entire surface.
  3. Place half of the meat in the bottom of the Stuffing Pan, then press the mold over it to form a hole using the rounded part. (If necessary, turn the mold on itself to form the hole.) .)
  4. Add the cranberries, cheese cubes, then butter inside the hole to make it juicy and creamy.
  5. Cover the hole with the remaining meat and flatten the top of the pancake with the flat part of the mold.
  6. Remove the patty from the Stuffing Machine and place on the BBQ grill in the indirect cooking zone. Let it cook for about 7 to 10 minutes on each side, then place it in the direct cooking zone and grill over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes on each side, until its internal temperature registers 180-190°F on the ThermoMax Jr. (or any other thermometer).
  7. Meanwhile, season the turkey skin “slices” on both sides by sprinkling them with a little Texas and Montreal dry marinade.
  8. Place the turkey skin “slices” on the BBQ, in the indirect cooking zone, to dry them, making sure to turn them about every 5 minutes, until they are nice and crispy. Set aside.
  9. Grill both sides of the pancake for about 2 to 3 minutes over a high flame. Set aside.
  10. On a plate, start assembling the burger by placing a “slice” of turkey skin, then the patty, on top of the lettuce leaf. Brush the top of the patty with homemade mayonnaise, then add the tomato and avocado slice on top. Top the burger by placing the other “slice” of turkey skin on top of the filling.
  11. Serve and enjoy this amazing juicy meal!

Note: You can ask your butcher to separate the turkey skin for you or remove it yourself.

For more turkey recipes, visit .

Happy BBQ!

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