What is an oliœucadobœucon? It's a fusion of 2 culinary classics: turducken and scotch egg!
For the record, the name of my recipe is based on the same principle as the turducken, that is to say that all the ingredients stuffed into each other are named. More precisely, my recipe consists of an olive stuffed in an egg, which is then stuffed in an avocado, which is then stuffed in beef, which is finally stuffed in bacon! Oh yes, it's as awesome and crazy as it sounds! 👌

Prepare your taste buds, this delicious colorful meal is a real flavor bomb! 😍

Here's how to prepare this original lunch:


- 1 boiled egg

- 1 avocado

- 1 green olive, pitted

- ⅓ lb ground beef

- Texas BBQ Quebec dry marinade, to taste

- 5 (approximately) slices of bacon

Preparation :

Preheat the BBQ to a temperature between 350 and 400°F.

Cut the egg in half, then remove a little yolk from each half so that there is enough room to insert 1 whole olive.

Place an olive in the hole of one of the yellow parts of the egg, then “close” the egg by placing the half without an olive on top of the half with an olive.

Cut the avocado in 2, remove the pit, then the skin.

Remove a little flesh (if necessary) from the pit in both avocado halves so that there is enough space to insert the egg.

Insert the egg inside one of the avocado halves. “Close” the avocado with its other half.

Place the meat in a mixing bowl and sprinkle the Texas dry rub on top (the salt helps the meat hold together well). Mix everything well.

Spread the ground meat on the work surface.

Place the avocado in the middle of the minced meat, then fold the meat over itself to coat the avocado. Form a smooth ball with the meat, making sure that the meat holds together well (that it does not fall apart into pieces) and that it covers the avocado well (it should not be visible).

Wrap the meat with bacon slices. Use food grade stainless steel nails to hold the slices in place.

Place the meatball on the BBQ grill in the indirect cooking zone. Cook until the bacon slices are crispy, or until the internal temperature of the ground meat (not the avocado, egg or olive) reaches 170°F.

Serve, admire the colors in each slice and enjoy!

Happy BBQ!


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