Have you ever tried the famous KFC double down sandwich? It's really good! In fact, when I was asked to make a recipe with chicken or pork, that's what I thought of right away! For those who don't know what a double down is, it's actually a sandwich without bread (the bread is replaced by pieces of fried chicken) in which there is bacon, cheese and sauce—it's a really sick meal! The recipe I'm showing you today is therefore inspired by KFC's, but made my way. It's therefore next level and even gluten-free! By the way, I strongly advise you to use a pellet grill, like the Camp Chef Pursuit 20, to make it because this type of grill is suitable for cooking all kinds of meats (chicken, bacon, beef brisket, etc.) and for long cooking times, all in a stable manner. In any case, personally, when I cook chicken, I much prefer to cook it on a pellet BBQ because I know that I will be able to cook the chicken at a high temperature without it catching fire and that it will not come out dry. Indeed, the result is different when using a pellet BBQ, because in addition to having a container that collects the fat as it falls from the grills (like any kind of BBQ), this type of BBQ also has a "vaporization tray" which, itself, keeps the humidity inside the BBQ and increases it so that the food remains juicy and tasty. So, if, for example, there is bacon cooking over a high flame, there will be no flame that will be created when fat falls into the BBQ and the bacon will be delicious. On that note, to give your meal an even wilder taste, I recommend mixing BBQ Québec maple pellets with BBQ Québec apple pellets in your BBQ to make this recipe. You’ll see, the result will be crazy! Now that all that’s said, here’s how to prepare this wonderful “double down”: Tools required: Luna Asian utility knife 6.5” Kai Industries Co. Thermomax Ingredients: 1 chicken breast (Quebec chicken is wonderful because it is usually air-chilled, which means the breast usually stays the same size when cooked.) Booster BBQ Québec flavor enhancer, to taste Tex-Max BBQ Québec dry rub, to taste Montreal BBQ Québec dry rub, to taste (Although not often used with chicken, the sugar in this dry rub will give the meat a nice crust and a crispy touch.) 4 slices bacon 2 slices cheddar cheese 2 tbsp. 1 tsp Labneh Le Bédouin ghee, to taste 1 (or 2, for those with a sweet tooth) tbsp Autumn Honey Directions: Preheat BBQ to 375°F. In a bowl, mix labneh with Tex-Max dry rub until smooth. Set aside. On a work surface, cut chicken breast in half lengthwise using the Luna Asian knife. Sprinkle a little Booster flavor enhancer on top of the 2 pieces of chicken breast, then add a little Montreal dry rub and Tex-Max dry rub (to give the meat a more spicy taste). Season the other side of the meat the same way. Place the 2 pieces of chicken breast on the top grills of the BBQ in the indirect cooking zone*. Cook for 5 minutes, then turn them over. (Although the top rack is cooler than the bottom, the ambient heat is higher at the top of the grill, which often means that chicken will cook faster and more completely when placed there. Also, chicken is less likely to stick to the grill grates when cooked on these grates.) While the chicken breast pieces are cooking, spread the bacon slices on the top grill grates of the BBQ in the indirect cooking zone* and cook until they are both crispy and tender. Turn the slices over when they look nicely browned, about 4 to 5 minutes. Using the Thermomax, measure the internal temperature of the chicken breast pieces. When the thermometer reads between 160 and 170°F, place the cheddar slices on top of one of them and add the ghee to the other. Once the cheese starts to melt, place the bacon slices on top of it so that the entire surface of the chicken breast is covered (crisscross the slices between them). Let everything cook until the bacon has a crispy appearance. Remove the chicken breast pieces from the BBQ. Pour the honey on top of the bacon slices and spread the labneh mixture on the other piece of breast. Close the sandwich, serve and savor every bite! * If the BBQ has only one grill, cook the food on the indirect cooking zone. Happy BBQing!


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