Mac'n Cheese on the BBQ

Mac’n Cheese sur le BBQ - BBQ Québec

Still motivated to try all my favorite recipes on the grill, today I present to you my Mac'n Cheese on the BBQ.

To give you some context, I recently bought my first P500 so I cook everything I can on it: my terrace allows me to do so so I take advantage of it! My boyfriend challenged me to try my recipe for macaroni and cheese au gratin on the BBQ one weeknight. I love challenges!

It was a success and I made several people jealous, now it's your turn to make your guests' mouths water!

Here is the secret recipe:

Servings: 8

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Preparation time: 30 minutes


- A 375g box of macaroni

- 2 tbsp margarine

- 2 tbsp flour

- 1 tsp dry mustard

- 2 tsp onion powder

- 1 tsp garlic powder

- 1 Can of condensed milk

- 1 Cup of chicken broth

- 3 cups of grated strong Cheddar

- 2 cups of brick

- 3/4 Cup Velveeta

- 2 tsp Sweet Kansas dry rub

- Optional : Quebec BBQ Ketchot Sauce to taste for people who would like to make their Mac'n Cheese spicy


1- Preheat your BBQ to 350°F

2- If your BBQ has a burner, you can place your pan containing water on it, otherwise place it directly on the grills of your BBQ. Boil the entire box of macaroni and set aside.*

3- In another saucepan, melt your margarine with the flour, stirring constantly.

4- Add dry mustard, onion powder, garlic powder and Sweet Kansas dry rub. Mix well.

5- Add the can of condensed milk and the chicken broth. Stir and bring to a boil.

6- Remove from heat and add 1 cup of strong cheese, velveeta cheese and Brick cheese.

7- Butter a BBQ-safe dish, add the macaroni and cheese sauce (make sure to spread the sauce over all the macaroni)

8- Add the 2 cups of strong cheese on top before putting the dish on the grill until the cheese forms a small golden crust.

*Tip: avoid overcooking your macaroni: they will go back on the BBQ afterwards.

This recipe will be a sure hit with your guests!

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