Festive Hot Dogs

Hot-dogs festifs

Today, I'm bringing you a hot dog recipe! It's a recipe, yes, but because I like to spoil you, I'm even showing you how to make it with meat AND plant-based ingredients (I'm giving you a kind of "two for one" recipe 😉).

For this “double recipe” in fact, you can either use one of the two types (or both!) of sausages from the BBQ Québec sausage combo or the plant-based sausages seasoned with the Argentina BBQ Québec dry rub that we created in collaboration with Vegeat. (Honestly, whatever type(s) you choose, I guarantee your hot dogs will be delicious!)

Once you've decided which sausages to use, here's how to make some crazy hot dogs:

Ingredients (quantities should be adjusted according to the number of hot dogs you want to make and to measure according to your tastes):

Preparation :

  1. Preheat the BBQ to approximately 400°F.

  2. Place the sausages in the indirect cooking zone on the BBQ grills and cook for about 15 minutes, or until their internal temperature is 165°F.

  3. When the sausages have reached the correct internal temperature, grill them until they are nicely caramelized.

  4. Meanwhile, cook the pancetta slices in an indirect cooking zone over a burner set to about half heat and let them become nice and crispy.

  5. Once the sausages are ready and the pancetta slices are the right consistency, remove them from the BBQ and grill the hot dog buns for about 1 to 2 minutes on each side.

  6. On a plate, start the assembly by pouring Ketchot and/or Colonel Mustard sauce inside a hot dog bun. Add a sausage inside the bun, then a few slices of pancetta and/or chips. Top it all off by placing microgreens (a great way to add color and bitterness to the meal) on top of the sausage. Repeat for each hot dog.

  7. Serve and enjoy every bite!

* Use only Vegeat sausages seasoned with Argentina BBQ Québec dry marinade if you want your hot dogs to be vegetarian.

**Do not use pancetta slices and ignore the steps (or parts of steps) mentioning them if you want your hot dogs to be vegetarian.

Happy BBQ!

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