Pulled Pork Poutine

Poutine au porc effiloché - BBQ Québec

Today I'm presenting you with a really good recipe, a pulled pork poutine recipe! I'm even going to share a few secrets with you so that you can make it a success every time. 😉

First of all, know that this recipe is very simple because several of its components have already been prepared: fries, poutine sauce and pulled pork. So whether you are going on a road trip, camping or staying at home, this quick recipe is always good to make.

By the way, the first secret I'm going to tell you is that yes, the recipe uses a packet of commercial brown or poutine sauce, but you don't have to limit yourself to that. In fact, I advise you to "pimp" your sauce by adding one (or more) BBQ sauce(s)! In my case, for example, I use the Dragon BBQ Québec sauce to give it a little spicy taste, but I could also have used the Douce Nuit Mamacita BBQ Québec sauce to give it a sweet touch. In both cases, the result would be a flavor bomb; these are the sauces I like to add the most to my poutine sauce.

Here’s how to prepare this famous (and delicious) poutine:

Ingredients :

1 packet of brown sauce or commercial poutine sauce

Quebec BBQ Dragon Sauce (and/or Mamacita’s Sweet Night), to taste

Water, for cooking (optional)

Fries, pre-cooked, to taste

250 g cheese curds (also known as “squick squick cheese” 😉)

300 g of shredded pork, pre-cooked

1 tray of BBQ Québec halloumi skewers (on sale at Rachelle Béry) (optional)

Preparation :

Prepare the brown sauce (or poutine sauce) according to the instructions on the package. Add Dragon sauce (and/or Mamacita Douce Nuit) to the mixture, then place everything on the BBQ grills in the indirect cooking zone. Stir the sauce regularly so that a crust does not form and, if necessary, add water to the mixture if it thickens too much.

While keeping an eye on the sauce, remove the halloumi skewers from their tray and soften the cheese a little in the indirect cooking zone*. When the cheese on the skewers is softer, grill everything for about 1 minute on each side. Set aside. (This step is optional, but the skewers are a great accompaniment to serve with poutine!)

If the pulled pork has been refrigerated, reheat it on the BBQ so that it is piping hot when assembling.

On the work surface, start assembling the poutine by placing a layer of fries in the bottom of a cast iron skillet (or a bowl or plate…), then cheese curds. Repeat the operation depending on the quantity of poutine desired and add the pulled pork on top. Pour the brown sauce (or poutine sauce) over everything, then mix if necessary.

Serve (with the halloumi skewers on the side if you have made them) and enjoy!

* Another way to make sure the cheese doesn't stick to the grill (and this is another well-kept secret I'm giving you 😉), is to pour a little oil on it.

Bon appetit and above all… good BBQ!

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