If you're a "true" carnivore, it's clear that you get a kick out of eating a good steak.
So today I'm offering you a beef sirloin recipe that will make you CRAP. The recipe contains, among other things, butter, honey and blueberries, so I can tell you that the result is juicy, tasty and... awesome!

The "carnivore-ish" diet, a diet that's high in meat and animal products, is a great way to have lots of energy and get in great shape. However, it's important to know that if you're eating a lot of protein, you'll need to eat more sodium to help with your digestion. (Be careful, I don't recommend trying this diet if you have kidney problems; it's best to consult a doctor to see if it's right for you.)

So, grab yourself a good drink and get cooking these delicious sirloins!

Required tool:


Ingredients :

2 beef ribeyes, ½ pound each (I recommend using grass-fed beef for its great taste and healthier appearance)
Ground smoked salt from the smokehouse, to taste

1 egg (optional)
1 avocado, sliced ​​(optional)
2 tablespoons wild blueberries
1 or 2 teaspoons of honey
1 teaspoon butter or ghee (ghee is actually clarified butter without casein or lactose; a perfect solution for those with dairy allergies)

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Number of servings: 2

Preparation :

Preheat the BBQ to the highest temperature possible.

Place a cast iron skillet on the bottom grill of the BBQ and let it heat up.

Meanwhile, sprinkle one side of the sirloins with ground smoked salt, then place the sirloins in indirect cooking on the top grill of the BBQ, above the pan, salty side down*.

When the pan is very hot, sprinkle the other side of the sirloins with ground smoked salt, then place them inside the pan, uncooked side down. Close the BBQ lid and cook the sirloins using direct cooking*.

Turn the pieces of meat over when juices start to appear. Make sure both sides of the sirloins are equally cooked.

Place the butter on top of the sirloins and let it melt.

When the butter is melted, crack the egg in the middle of the two sirloins and place the avocado slices around it. (Optional)

Add the blueberries on top of the melted butter (or egg and avocado slices), then close the BBQ lid to cook everything and maintain the temperature.

Drizzle 1 teaspoon of honey on top of both pieces of meat, or 1 per piece (for a more intense result) to enhance the flavors and add a little sweetness to the sirloins.

Cook the ribeyes until they register an internal temperature of 120°F (for rare ribeyes) or 135°F (for medium) on the Thermomax.

Once the desired temperature is reached, turn off the BBQ and let the sirloins rest on the grill on top of the BBQ, above the pan.

Place the sirloins on a plate and pour the juices from the pan over them for a wild result. 👌

Serve and enjoy every bite!

* Instead of going with the “reverse sear” method, you can also season both sides of the ribeyes with ground smoked salt and sear them directly in the pan while it is hot; no need to put them on the top grill of the BBQ first.

Happy BBQ!


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