Cooking a Tomahawk Steak

Cuire un steak Tomahawk

Here it is, the most masculine cut of meat in the BBQ world.

A Tomahawk steak is a rib of beef, but it is cut thicker. It will therefore retain much more juice and obviously, it has the capacity to feed more people due to its thickness!

What could be better for a dinner party than creating a unique experience by serving a Tomahawk with the bone in plain, which your guests can grab and gobble up with a perfectly primitive look. (Imagine the Instagram photos)

The most common question when someone tries the Tomahawk for the first time is: "How many people does a Tomahawk feed?" I have two answers for you. If you are a VERY good eater, you may be able to eat it alone. However, we recommend eating it with 2 to 4 people and leaving some room for a side dish!

For my part, I really like to share a Tomahawk steak as a starter so that all the guests taste the best quality and the best cut of meat available on the market.

Regarding availability, it should be noted that not all butcher shops have this part. It is better to go to specialized butcher shops and even call before you go.


Please note that the cooking method is the opposite of that of a traditional steak.

Typically, you'll sear the steak and then cook it, but in this case, since the Tomahawk is thicker, you'll cook it first and grill it at the end.

Put a good rub on both sides of the beast. I suggest my three favorite spices for the Tomahawk. Choose one of them.

Start cooking indirectly at a low temperature between 225f and 400f

* You can take advantage of this to make it smoke.

Cook until you reach internal temperature about 10f below the final temperature you wanted.

Note that if you don't want to miss your cooking, you can even use an Igrill smart probe. So you won't even have to open the BBQ,

Grill in direct cooking for about 2 minutes on each side

Take the piece out and let it sit for about 3 to 5 minutes.

* You can wrap the piece in aluminum foil to keep it warm longer, but don't wrap it too tightly so as not to continue cooking.

Click here to see a video



Merci de vos conseils. Depuis que je fais la cuisson inversé, la viande est plus tendre et je l’injecte au brandy beurre. 👨‍🍳🤗

Daniel Ste-Marie ,

Je la cuis d’abord au circulateur réglé à 51,5 pendant 2 à 3 heures. Ensuite je met un rub et laisse à température pièce pensant 1 heure et termine la bête au BBQ avec l’os bien sûr. Après le repas, je coupe l’os en pièces avec un couteau de boucher et fais un bouillon de boeuf pour préparer mes sauces.

Denis Gagnon,

Tonight is the night !

Première fois avec cette pièce de viande ! J’ai pas pris de chance, je suis allé chercher votre marinade sèche Montréal, je me suis acheté un thermometre électronique et je le fait sur le charbon BBQ Québec ! YOLO !! J’essaie ça dans un souper avec plusieurs amis. Je vous tiens au courant du succès ou du désastre !

Eric Dodier,

Vraiment excellent ! c’était notre première ce soir 11 février 2022 +6 degré dehors on achète notre premier Tomahawk….quoi faire avec cette pièce de viande ? avec vos conseils, nous pouvons donner une médaille d’or à cet excellent souper ! 1.7 kg de viande succulente à 2 !! Merci 😎

Chantal Daigle,

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