Apple-chocolate crumble

Croustade pommes-chocolat - BBQ Québec

Summer is already coming to an end and autumn is just around the corner. There will be magnificent colours in the trees, evenings around the fire and abundant harvests…

On the BBQ side, some people take advantage of the cool weather to cold smoke. Others prepare a setup to continue grilling even in winter, while some prefer to put their equipment away. For me, fall is a “comfort season” and obviously, the dishes I cook are inspired by it.
However, let's be realistic, with 2 children who go to school and have activities, it is sometimes difficult to cook for hours. That's why I offer you the fall classic reinvented par excellence: apple and chocolate crumble! Quick, economical and surprising, this crumble will please everyone. It is even possible to cook it with the children!

Servings: 4

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Ingredients :


  • 5-6 apples, sliced
  • ⅓ cup brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp. Cake seasoning
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (optional)


  • 1 ¼ cups quick-cooking rolled oats
  • ¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup Cake Spice
  • ⅓ cup butter, softened

Preparation :

Prepare the BBQ for indirect cooking. The temperature indicated on the thermometer should be around 350°F- 400°F.


In a bowl, mix the oats, flour, brown sugar and spices. Add the butter and mix well. Set aside.


  1. In the bottom of the baking dish (8 inches), mix the brown sugar and the Cake spices. Add the apples and mix well.
  2. Cover with chocolate chips, then with the crunch mixture.
  3. Cook over indirect heat on the BBQ for about 45-50 minutes, or until the crisp is golden brown. Let cool.


  • I don't peel apples that go into dessert recipes. It saves time and prevents food waste. It's a matter of preference, but thinly slicing apples is a no-brainer!
  • Instead of dirtying a second bowl, when preparing, I mix the filling ingredients right in the bottom of the baking dish. Less dishes to do!
  • This recipe is delicious served with vanilla ice cream.

Bon appetit and good BBQ!


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