Burnt Ends of the Poor in a Hurry

Burnt Ends de pauvres pressés - BBQ Québec
When I made my first brisket , I was very excited to let my girlfriend taste the result. My ambition was fueled by the hope that she would say to me: "Take care of the baby and the smokehouse and make me brisket every day. I'll take care of working and paying for the house."

What a disappointment I experienced when she tasted this meat of the gods, smoked to perfection, juicy and delectable to which I had added all my love and time! After two bites, she looked me straight in the eye and said: "Well, it tastes like beef!"

I still wake up at night, startled and screaming in terror.

Luckily, I had saved the burnt ends on my brisket that I had finished in BBQ sauce, beef broth and even more love. Burnt ends that pulled out more emotions than the brisket itself.

My dog ​​was dead (the expression that designates a disappointment, don't worry, my dog ​​is still in good health), I will not have the opportunity to live on brisket and fresh water and frankly making beef brisket just for burnt ends causes a lot of meat loss.

While surfing Facebook, I saw the poorman burnt ends . What a great idea! Cheat brisket .

For the sake of publishing this post, I would say that cheating in school is wrong, but cheating in meat doesn't hurt anyone.

So if you are a fan of burnt ends , the quicker and less expensive solution is the chuck roast.

The advantage of the blade roast is that it is slightly less expensive than brisket , it can be purchased in smaller quantities and it is much more forgiving when cooked.

For some, one more positive point is that it goes very well with stuffed potatoes.

Is your mouth watering? That sounds good, I'll give you my recipe.

Happy BBQ and enjoy your meal!

Burnt ends of the poor in a hurry! Feat. the smoked garnished potato

Serving: 6

Cooking time: 6h

Preparation time: 1h

Ingredients :

  • 2 kg shoulder roast.
  • 2 cups beef broth. (Concentrated beef broth works too)
  • 1/4 cup Oakridge Black Ops Dry Marijuana
  • 3 tablespoons Oakridge Game Changer Dry Rub
  • 1 cup Smokey Mountain Sauce Blues Hog
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 4 tablespoons duck fat
  • 4 potatoes of the same size (ideally the same size)
  • 2 tablespoons of California dry marinade from BBQ Quebec
  • 3 tablespoons canola oil
  • Butter to taste
  • 1 to 2 sprigs of green onions
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (use any cheese you like, we live in a free country)
  • 8 to 10 slices of bacon

This recipe can be made on any BBQ. For best results, make this recipe in a smoker.

Step 1: Meat preparation, injection and dry marinade.

In a saucepan, heat 1 cup of beef broth over low heat. When the broth is hot and starting to steam slightly (do not boil), add the Oakridge Game Changer dry rub and mix with a whisk. When the mixture is smooth, remove from the heat and set aside to cool.

While the injection mixture is cooling, you can trim away any excess fat. You will see that some of the fat is hard to the touch so it will not melt into the meat and will have a less appetizing texture.

When the mixture for injection is ready, equip yourself with a meat injection syringe (BBQ Québec Injecter) and place your blade roast in a bowl or aluminum pan that can collect the liquids. You can inject your piece of meat by making a grid every inch.

Remove the piece of meat from its container and coat with Oakridge Black Ops dry marinade. You can place the piece of meat back in the fridge before starting the BBQ.

Step 2: Cooking the blade roast.

Preheat the BBQ to 325 F. Place the chuck roast on indirect cooking until the meat reaches an internal temperature of 165 F.

Place your piece of meat in aluminum foil, add the brown sugar and duck fat. Close your aluminum foil tightly. To avoid making unnecessary damage, I double my aluminum foil so as not to tear it.

Place the piece of meat back on the BBQ for indirect cooking, until it reaches 200 F internally.

Step 2.5: Preparing and cooking the stuffed potato.

In a mixing bowl, place the 4 washed potatoes. Coat with canola oil and BBQ Québec California dry rub. All that's left to do is stick them on the Steven Raichlen potato holder.

Place in the BBQ on indirect heat. Place the potatoes next to the chuck roast so that they are closer to the heat source than the meat. This part should be done when the meat is back on the grill, wrapped in foil.

Next, cook your bacon over indirect heat until it is cooked but not too dry. Cut it into small pieces and set aside in a cool place.

The potatoes are ready when the skin begins to shrivel and they are tender to the touch. If the potatoes are ready before the meat, that's okay, save them for later.

Step 3: Finish cooking and add love.

When the chuck roast reaches 200 F internal, remove from the BBQ and let rest for 15 to 30 minutes (In a hurry? No one will blame you for not resting the meat in this recipe).

While the meat is resting, in a saucepan, heat the beef broth and Blues Hog Smokey Mountain sauce over low heat.

Remove the meat from the foil so that the meat juices remain in the foil and pour them into the sauce and beef broth mixture.

Cut the meat into large cubes and place them in the BBQ sauce mixture. Mix gently so that the cubes are well coated with sauce. Remove from heat and set aside.

Step 3.5: Potatoes deserve some love too.

Potatoes cooked on the potato rack end up with a very handy incision. Press the potato in your hand until this opening becomes a nice space for topping.

Top the potato with butter and sliced ​​bacon. Place on a baking sheet and cover generously with mozzarella cheese. I said generously. Go on, put a little more on it.

Brown on a very hot BBQ or in the oven.

All that's left to do is garnish with chopped green onions.

Bon appetit and good BBQ!


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