Big Max Burger

Burger Big Max - BBQ Québec

This completely decadent recipe is the recipe for a double burger, a huge burger… I call it the “Big Max”.

The wonderful thing about this recipe is that you can make it with meatballs or plant-based patties, depending on whether you want to eat a carnivorous or vegetarian meal. I say that, but really, no matter what you prefer, I'm going to show you both ways to make this burger, so you'll get a delicious meal either way.

For plant-based meatballs, I recommend (and they're the ones I use in this recipe) the Vegeat meatballs seasoned with Montreal BBQ Quebec dry rub. They're 100% plant-based and totally sick; seriously, you have to try them (they have almost the same texture and color as beef meatballs and they even cook the same way!)!

Otherwise, the secret of the Big Mac, just like that of the Big Max, is its sauce! So I'm even going to tell you the "real, real" recipe for the Big Max sauce so that you have an incredible result. Be careful, this sauce will be the best burger sauce you'll ever eat in your life!!!

Ready? Let's go!

Ingredients (for 1 burger):

Preparation :

  1. Preheat BBQ to 400°F.

  2. Season both sides of the beef meatballs with Montreal dry rub**.

  3. Grill the meatballs on the BBQ grill for about 2 minutes on each side and place them in the indirect cooking zone when they come away easily from the grill.

  4. Let the meatballs cook for about 10 minutes, or until their internal temperature reaches 160°F. While they are cooking, melt the cheese slices by placing one on each meatball. Set aside.

  5. In a bowl, mix the mayonnaise, Ketchot and Colonel Mustard sauces, onion cubes and relish until smooth. Set aside.

  6. Grill the burger buns on both sides, then begin assembling.

  7. On a plate, spread sauce (the mixture with mayonnaise) on one of the "bottom" buns and place a meatball on top. Add salad and two pickles on top of the melted cheese on the meatball and repeat to make a second layer. Spread the remaining sauce on the last bun (the "top" one) and close the burger.

  8. Serve and enjoy!

Happy BBQ!

*Only use if you are using beef meatballs in your burger.

** Skip this step if you are using Vegeat BBQ Québec meatballs, which are already seasoned.

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